“America’s Future Electricity Supply: Challenges and State-Led Solutions to Ensure Reliability and Accountability”

Published on February 8, 2024, 1:04 am

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The future of America’s electricity supply presents a formidable challenge. According to a recent report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, the majority of the country faces high or elevated risk of electricity capacity shortfalls over the next ten years. This indicates possible frequent occurrences of blackouts and brownouts. However, numerous states are actively taking measures to safeguard their electricity grids.

The key cause of these potential grid problems is straightforward. Dependable energy sources are progressively being abandoned and substituted by less reliable, intermittent sources. Aggravating this issue could be disruptions to natural gas supplies – an essential resource for many of America’s last remaining dependable electricity-producing plants. Such disturbances would tip the balance between what households and businesses in America demand and what the grid can supply, leading to blackouts and brownouts.

The daunting challenge regarding the electricity grid begins with an extreme green agenda imposed by current administration. The directives force American families and businesses to depend on unreliable and more costly wind and solar power while simultaneously restricting their access to affordable and clean energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas.

With these regulations, constructing a new coal plant has become practically impossible while fully functional ones are taken offline. Now that longstanding energy sources like coal have been nearly completely phased out, efforts appear directed towards eliminating natural gas as well. Recent decisions to halt pending approvals for liquefied natural gas exports evidence this trend.

This strategy mirrors past instances where environmentalists successfully disrupted major industries with policy regulations combined with taxpayer money being diverted towards bolster preferred energy source alternatives.

These policies’ impact is already noticeable as Americans face increased power disruptions, largely driven by unprecedented changes in consumption habits coupled with scarcity fears due to unpredictable supply chains. Surges in prices for common utility products further exacerbate these concerns.

Meanwhile, threats from non-human elements such as space weather anomalies pose additional challenges towards maintaining a stable electricity supply infrastructure – a consequence rarely considered but prove equally devastating in events such as a high-intensity geomagnetic storm.

Moreover, nefarious activities from external enemies could also pose serious threats. Ways of attack could include detonating a nuclear weapon at high altitudes to release an electromagnetic pulse or conducting sophisticated cyberattacks on essential infrastructure.

In response to these multi-fold challenges, various state legislatures across the country are taking active measures. Regulations are being implemented to ensure hydrocarbon power generation plants closure only if alternatives preserving reliability and protecting ratepayers are in place.

Bills with similar principle have been proposed in multiple states including Kansas, Nebraska and Utah with the common goal of protecting consumers from facing unnecessary electricity supply disruptions while ensuring accountability for all stakeholders in the energy sector.

Multiple other states such as Missouri, Arkansas, and Arizona are enacting corresponding efforts – sensible reactions against irrational policies enacted on federal level. Our founding fathers recognized this important role of state governments to safeguard their residents from overarching federal decisions – being carried out expertly by lawmakers nationwide infusing this understanding into practicality.

Given their Christian worldview, lawmakers realize that progress does not necessarily mean abandoning traditional modes but enhancing them with innovative methods to develop trusted and effective solutions for real-world problems. They acknowledge real news needs to be based on facts rather than emotions while making sound decisions for our nation’s future.

Original article posted by Fox News

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