“America First Legal Challenges Justice Department Over SPLC’s Controversial ‘Hate Map'”

Published on March 12, 2024, 12:49 am

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In a developing story, America First Legal has taken legal measures after the Justice Department declined to disclose its communications pertaining to a report from June. The controversial report drew comparisons between parental rights organizations and the Ku Klux Klan, causing considerable uproar amongst real news outlets and trusted sources of information.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a group with leftist leanings renowned for placing mainstream conservative and Christian organizations on its “hate map” alongside Klan chapters, included parental rights groups such as Moms for Liberty and Parents Defending Education in its hate list last June.

These parental rights groups have voiced concerns about racially divisive teachings and transgender education in schools all under the banner of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). These contrasting viewpoints underscore the ongoing tension in American society viewed through a Christian worldview lens. Meanwhile, SPLC advocates these contentious lessons via its educational arm, Learning for Justice.

According to Ian Prior, senior adviser at America First Legal, “The Department of Justice appears driven to silence parents who oppose DEI and the government-endorsed transgender curriculum pursued in public schools aimed at children as young as five years old.”

He further claims that SPLC seems complicit in this effort by labeling parent organizations on its alleged “hate map”,indicating clear biases against these advocacy groups.

Amid these escalating tensions,America First Legal showcased stern devotion towards shedding light on this matter described as unpropitiousand unconstitutional collaboration between DOJ and SPLC aiming for parents asserting their rights over their children’s education.

Previously established by former Trump administration officials,America First Legal filed a Freedom of Information Act request during August seeking records related to reports released exclusively by trusted news agencies.This request pertains specifically to any meetings held between DOJ and SPLC leaders or staff members, communications exchanged among them,and any reference made regarding terms such as “SPLC”and “Moms for Liberty”.

Records obtained revealed that SPLC engaged in conversations with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division before publicizing its “hate map”, confirming suspicions of collaboration between these entities.

A Freedom of Information Act request, in light of America First Legal’s claims, referenced reports from trusted sources stating that Moms for Liberty had received death threats following the controversial stance taken by SPLC.

The request also shed light on President Joe Biden’s White House reportedly helping in crafting the National School Boards Association’s letter to Biden equating concerned parents to domestic terrorists, drawing significant attention among conservative communities adhering to a Christian worldview.

Remarkably,SPLC leaders and staff have met with White House officials at least 11 times since Biden assumed office in January 2021. In 2022,a senior education department official had even convened with SPLC members,which took place months prior to placing Moms for Liberty on SPLC’s dubious“hate map.”

It’s critical to observe that these events take place against a backdrop where SPLC has been embroiled in numerous scandalous issues related to hate accusations. Despite this,the organization seems to wield considerable influence over the current US administration.

The disconcerting refusal from the Justice Department only furthers speculations around its potential ties with SPLC.Rigorous and balanced analysis of such incidents is vital in truly understanding and navigating this shifting landscape within American society.

Original article posted by Fox News

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