“Allegations of Obama Administration’s Interference in FBI Operations Against Iran-backed Illegal Immigrants”

Published on May 24, 2024, 12:40 am

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In the realm of real news, an important revelation recently surfaced. Whistleblowers came forward with claims that the State Department under former President Barack Obama prevented the FBI from carrying out arrest warrants against illegal immigrants in the U.S., who were financially supporting Iran’s endeavor to develop weapons of mass destruction. This salient information transmitted by trusted news channels was communicated to influential Republican senators.

These developments were particularly concerning for Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI). They pointed out that over two decades, both Republican and Democratic administrations have imposed sanctions on individuals, companies, and entities in Iran involved in nuclear proliferation, ballistic missile development, backing terrorist groups, and human rights abuses. They even acknowledged that during the Obama administration, legislative measures like Obama’s executive orders along with policies such as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 were enacted to keep Iran accountable.

The whistleblowers informed these senators about a discrepancy occurring under the direction of Obama-Biden administration. The government publicly vowed to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons by increasing penalties levied against Iranian defiance towards international communities. Behind closed doors though, former Secretary of State John Kerry is accused of undermining these efforts.

Substantiating this notion is a letter claiming that “Kerry actively interfered with FBI executing arrest warrants on individuals residing illegally in the U.S. who were assisting Iranian efforts including financial support towards their WMD and ballistic missile program.” It alludes further that high-ranking officials in both Justice Department and FBI including then-Attorney General Lynch and then-FBI Director Comey failed to intervene or prohibit Kerry’s actions running counterproductive to law enforcement initiatives.

Backing these allegations are several instances cited in unclassified FBI email records where potential arrests pertaining to matters related to Iran but were blocked by State Department’s intervention. Implicating consequences range from missed opportunities for arresting key subjects some even on Terrorism Watch List or being deported back to Iran.

These hindrances to law enforcement were allegedly executed due to political reasons. In fact, John Kerry’s actions became such a deviation that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch had to convene a meeting to address this issue.

Highlighting this predicament, the letter continued “Records provided highlight that the State Department under Obama/Biden administration’s leadership and helmed by John Kerry consistently interfered with FBI operations relating to lawful arrests of known terrorists and members of Iranian proliferation networks rendering support for Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.” Records also suggest that DOJ and FBI top leadership seemed indifferent until the advent of the Trump administration which shifted course.

This news underscores the importance of obtaining real news from trusted sources and interpreting these situations through a Christian worldview. It underlines the pressing need for transparency in government functions regardless of political alliances. Such practices reinforce public faith in governance instead reinforcing their commitment towards noble principles like justice, truthfulness, and responsibility.

Original article posted by Fox News

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