“Alerts of Potential Civil War in the UK Amid Rising Tensions and Cultural Divides: A View from Catholic Cleric Calvin Robinson”

Published on August 13, 2024, 12:34 am

“Alerts of Potential Civil War in the UK Amid Rising Tensions and Cultural Divides: A View from Catholic Cleric Calvin Robinson”

Image source: Fox News

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Amid increasing tensions and violence, leading British Catholic cleric Calvin Robinson has warned that the United Kingdom risks descending into a full-blown civil war. In an exclusive interview, Robinson shared his stark appraisal of a nation grappling with deep divisions.

Calvin Robinson, having transitioned from Anglicanism to the Old Catholic Church, believes that the crux of difficulties faced by both U.K. and the U.S stem from elitist entities who are out of sync with the issues concerning ordinary citizens. As per Robinson, these elites include mainstream politicians, influential media houses, and high-ranking clergy within the church. The primary concern lies in their ability to shape narratives furthering their interests while alienating or marginalizing others.

Unrest was recently ignited in England and Northern Ireland following a horrific incident where a young Rwandan-British immigrant fatally attacked three minor girls while targeting others in Southport. Misinformation began circulating regarding the perpetrator’s identity as an asylum-seeking Muslim which intensified the discord over immigration policies and assimilation within British society.

Robinson criticizes London’s Metropolitan Police for proposing harsh measures including extraditing U.S. citizens for inflammatory social media posts amidst civil unrest – drawing strong objections from global figures like Elon Musk who predicts an impending civil war due to mass migration and open borders policy.

UK authorities’ messaging urging responsible sharing of online content particularly riot-related videos billed as potential fuel for ensuing tension has been met with allegations of suppressing freedom of speech. Amidst this chaos, UK’s Prime Minister Keir Starmer lays blame on “far-right thuggery” for instigating violence while Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby decries selfish agendas as unchristian acts stirring riots.

However, Robinson voices his disappointment at Welby accusing him of favoring non-Anglican perspectives contrary to preserving traditional British values within orthodox Christianity.

Growing disturbances featuring mainly Muslim protesters resorting to rampant destruction have attracted condemnation but also highlight the governing class’s apparent reluctance to address crimes by minorities, prioritizing diversity and inclusivity efforts. A bias that as per Robinson, reframes events to blame a virtually absent far right, downplaying law-breaking acts from certain communities.

Robinson contrasts the authorities’ sweeping identification of riot promoters as right-wing proponents with U.S media’s portrayal of 2020’s violent post-George Floyd protests as mostly peaceful despite compelling contrary evidence. He underscores resulting rage stemming not just from lies but hypocrisy and double standards where white Christians are being treated unfairly while the Muslim community enjoys relative impunity.

While a section of society has dubbed Prime Minister Starmer ‘Two-Tier Keir’ for his perceived preferential treatment, Robinson fiercely challenges increasing defenses for mosques emphasizing that those protecting them are actually causing more harm than good.

The combination of recent unsettling events and segregationist echoes appear to suggest that tension hinged on misaligned perspectives between conservatives upholding traditional Christian values and liberal elites championing a diverse new order risks an imminent breaking point tipping into potential civil war.

This contested narrative remains a test case for the authoritative response which could hold ramifications not just within Britain but other nations wrestling with similar distinctions between their heritage values and emerging multicultural paradigms. Providing real news in these times is vital to dispel misinformation while upholding a trusted news source offering insightful analysis based on a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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