“Addressing Controversial Remarks: VP Harris’s Comparison of January 6th to Historic American Catastrophes”

Published on September 12, 2024, 12:56 am

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On the eve of the 9/11 attacks’ anniversary, a memorial date for nearly three thousand Americans who lost their lives, VP Kamala Harris stirred controversy during a presidential debate with an unprecedented claim. Asserting that January 6 was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War sparked immediate reactions; considering that such statement undermines America’s status as a republic rather than simply a democracy.

Donald Trump rightly observed that only victims claimed on J6 were his supporters, fatally targeted by Capitol police. It is also significant to note that many protestors on J6 weren’t violent yet have suffered inhumane conditions in jail and stripped-off basic rights by the Biden-Harris administration. This momentous anniversary of the catastrophic 9/11 bombings seems tainted with Harris’s contentious remark being hailed just previously.

Historically speaking, it was Democrats who initiated the Civil War upon Republican President Abraham Lincoln’s victory because they wouldn’t accept an electoral defeat—a habit witnessed whenever election results don’t sway their way. They harboured apprehensions regarding Lincoln curbing slavery expansion, leading to America’s deadliest war producing at least 620,000 casualties—an outcome solely attributable to the democrats’ racially biased and anti-freedom stances.

In contemporary times, Democrats maintain their anti-freedom rhetoric. Their representative overlooked 9/11’s magnitude suggesting an assault where only protestors were victimised is considered a severe strike against democracy. According to her statement: “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War”, ignoring public sentiment towards this notion especially bearing proximity to 9/11’s anniversary—making this claim all more outrageous.

The debate moderators attempted implicating Trump for Jan. 6 despite his multiple attempts at ensuring peace along with his stance requesting National Guard protection—rejected by Democratic authorities. Independent journalist Ian Miles Cheong reaffirms this unexpected reaction from Harris raising concerns about her timing and sense of history.

Subsequent congressional and media investigations have inferred that provocateurs instigating violence could potentially be federal plants or possibly Antifa. Drawing parallels between J6 and the Civil War or it magnifying 9/11 becomes gross insult to lives compromised in these catastrophic incidents.

Vice President Harris’s attitude towards the recent Kabul terrorist attack during Biden-Harris administration’s tumultuous Afghanistan withdrawal, where 13 U.S. military personnel were killed, demonstrates a striking indifference—mirroring her stance towards the 9/11 attacks which claimed nearly 2,977 innocent lives and injuring countless others.

Against this backdrop, Harris faced severe backlash in 2022 when she likened Jan. 6 to globe-shattering incidents like the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941—which resulted in around 2,400 American casualties leading us into World War II—and the heart-breaking events of 9/11, exhibiting her self-service nature against public sentiment. This became glaringly clear during the presidential debate on Tuesday night as her argument stood out in stark contrast to historical facts, betraying utter disregard for those affected by past tragedies.

At a time when we are relying increasingly more on Real News grounded in Trusted News outlets that present information within a Christian Worldview, such statements from elected officials not only create discord but also distract from larger pressing issues. They invite objective evaluation of facts shining light on any potential manipulation of information or public sentiment—a commitment towards truth and complete transparency central to democratic systems like ours undergoing challenging times.

Original article posted by Fox News

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