“Addressing Concerns of Negligence: California’s Episcopal Diocese Reinforces Commitment to Maintaining Church Safety Amid Controversy”

Published on August 31, 2024, 12:44 am

“Addressing Concerns of Negligence: California’s Episcopal Diocese Reinforces Commitment to Maintaining Church Safety Amid Controversy”

Image source: Fox News

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In the midst of a controversy stirring within its walls, the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real in California is speaking out against claims that it has been negligent in maintaining the safety of its churches from potential sexual predators. In light of these startling accusations, the Rt. Rev. Lucinda Ashby, bishop of the diocese, has sought to reassure church members and quell unfounded rumors.

Responding to what she referred to as “odd accusations and the spread of misinformation about safety in our parishes,” Ashby reinforced commitments to enforce protective policies for community members within The Diocese of El Camino Real and The Episcopal Church at large.

Ashby also addressed a serious accusation lodged against the diocese last month indicating negligence towards enforcing safety protocols when a registered sex offender sought involvement as a volunteer at Holy Family Episcopal Church in San Jose.

Asserting her standing commitment to security within local church communities, Ashby emphasized their mission to cultivate spaces where individuals can immerse themselves safely into Christian teachings and prayer.

As part of ongoing efforts to bolster safety measures throughout all churches under its jurisdiction, the diocese contracted with Church HR in fall 2022. This partnership was initiated as an effort for the diocesan administration to receive aid concerning state laws and guidelines regarding safe working environments.

Last year, regulatory adjustments were implemented throughout all areas of operation – clergy members and lay leaders alike underwent mandatory background checks along with fingerprinting via Live Scan -–a process sanctioned by the Department of Justice. Such advancements aim to position all locales under The Diocesan arms as indisputable places of safety for current community members or those seeking solace at our centers.

However, Anglican Watch — an advocacy group focused on battling abuse within religious communities — is holding firm on their allegations against both Ashby herself and the overarching diocese. They highlight questionable details surrounding how specific complaints were addressed within Holy Family Episcopal Church itself.

Anglican Watch recently exposed a perceived mishandling of a Title IV disciplinary complaint against the pastor of Holy Family Episcopal Church, accusing him of lax enforcement of safety regulations -– notably, neglecting to carry out background checks on staff members and volunteers over several years. In response to this allegation, Ashby reassured the public that their standards within the diocese are more expansive than those stipulated by state law.

Despite reassurances from the diocese, Anglican Watch asserts that there were mishaps in keeping vulnerable populations within the church safe. They argue that access to church keys provided an unnecessarily risky situation for potential victims. Furthermore, they allege slow or inadequate responses towards notifying parents about potential threats once discovered.

These accusations underline the importance and delicate nature of maintaining real news within trusted Christian communities while constantly upholding a commitment to safeguarding everyone under our congregational care through effective systems of surveillance and mutual accountability.

While it remains essential to expose such controversies as we strive for transparency and truth in news consumption, it is equally important that we keep in mind the broader mission underlying every Christian community: showcasing love for each neighbor, serving faithfully with clarity and vigilance –- always fostering spaces reflective of our unwavering commitment towards embodying God’s teachings within our Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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