“A Call to Action: The Urgent Need to Protect Persecuted Christian Armenians in Azerbaijan”

Published on May 27, 2024, 12:36 am

“A Call to Action: The Urgent Need to Protect Persecuted Christian Armenians in Azerbaijan”

Image source: Fox News

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Reliable and trusted news lately shines a light on urgent need for action to protect persecuted Christian Armenians. The recent unveiling of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom’s (USCIRF) yearly report reveals the nations most guilty of violating this basic human privilege. We applaud USCIRF’s strong recommendation that Azerbaijan be formally recognized by the United States as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC).

Religious liberty, regardless of faith or geography, is essential for all individuals. Despite this universal human right, it unfortunately remains under intense threat in numerous regions around the globe. Millions of people suffer persecution, discrimination, and brutal violence due to their religious beliefs.

The fundamental role of USCIRF’s annual report cannot be overstated – it brings nations accountable for violations to global attention and crusades for oppressed individuals’ rights. Highlighting the utmost perpetrators provides strategic ways towards defending religious freedom; prominently, Azerbaijan demands our attention.

Grave allegations against the Azerbaijan government include ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, expulsions, and massacres of Armenian Christians. This troubling treatment merited USCIRF’s advisement to name Azerbaijan a CPC—a move worth lauding.

In an imposing recent chain of events, Azerbaijan launched a blockade targeted at 120,000 Armenian Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh. Stripping these innocent people off necessary resources instigated an ethnic cleansing campaign with deeply distressing consequences: Azerbaijani forces annihilating Armenian history and Christian religious establishments by systematically vandalizing cemeteries, churches, and other sacred sites.

Azerbaijan’s conduct in Nagorno-Karabakh constitutes as gross human rights violation—religious site desecration along with wanton shelling civilian regions; Azerbaijani forces’ reported atrocities are well-documented facts. This brazen flouting by their government neglects international obligations that should protect religious freedom. Instead it actively suppresses religious minorities attacking diversity Azerbaijan purportedly upholds.

The suggested CPC designation reflects the United States’ clear stance against religious persecution. US State Department should pay heed to USCIRF’s call, urgently deploying resolute actions and diplomatic practices to halt cultural and religious extermination in Nagorno-Karabakh.

It is incumbent upon Azerbaijan to enable forced Armenians’ return and peacefully inhabit their ancestral homeland. An international community’s unity, denouncing Azerbaijan’s offenses whilst expressing solidarity with Armenian Christians, is crucial right now.

As elected Congressional representatives from the United States, we support USCIRF’s significant global mission of defending religious freedom. USCIRF demonstrates laudable steadfast commitment to furthering worldwide religious liberty through its annual report. A wake-up call for governments that breach this fundamental entitlement, simultaneously a beacon of hope for individuals yearning freedom of belief. Our relentless fight for religious liberty must persist at home and worldwide—to shield this critical human right from those aiming to demolish it.

Turning to real news in the political segment, Congressman Bob Good representing Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District since January 2021 exemplifies devotion towards serving his constituency; advocating founding principles have retained America as world’s superpower.

Dr. Jim Garlow stands as Founder and CEO of Well Versed—a ministry edifying Members of Congress along with UN Ambassadors at NYC with Biblical governance principles. Having served on President Trump’s Faith Advisory team over four years, he possesses deep experience meeting world leaders (including ten presidents and prime ministers); a testimony to his dedication promoting faith and spiritual values in national and international leadership realms.

Original article posted by Fox News

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