Published on November 21, 2023, 11:34 pm

Image source: Fox News

Christian leaders in Jerusalem launched protests against a contested land deal, which they warn threatens the historic Armenian presence in the city’s Old Quarter. The contention revolves around a proposal to lease about 25% of the Armenian district for luxury hotel development. The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem, notably from Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic communities, expressed their fears that these plans could lead to a weakened Christian manifestation in the Holy Land.

Their combined statement read, “The incendiary tactics by purported developers threaten to erase Armenian presence in the region, potentially jeopardizing Christianity’s existence itself in the Holy Land.” They also indicated solidarity with the Armenian Patriarchate and its community over their decision to challenge this transaction legally.

The proposed demolition sparked demonstrations after groundbreaking started at what formerly served as a car park. Demonstrators included both local citizens and armed Israeli Jewish settlers. Part of this discord arises from controversy stirring due to learning about this deal only recently, despite being initially inked by an Armenian Church leader last July.

This individual has since claimed to have been deceived regarding this contract’s specifics and is actively seeking legal strategies to render it void. An involved priest was defrocked as early as May this year.

The agreement at hand encompasses leasing the land for nearly a century, as reported by The Associated Press last June. Reports indicate that this deal might impact not merely a parking area but also residential homes (approximately five), a community hall, a seminary, and the patriarch’s own garden.

According to allegations made by alarmed Armenians residing in this area, Australian-Israeli businessman Danny Rubinstein and his United Arab Emirates-registered Xana Capital Group are behind this contentious contract. Sharing rights with other Christian entities for religious sites within Jerusalem’s holy spaces owing mainly due to Armenia’s supposed adoption of Christianity back in 301 AD makes them stakeholders in these conversations too.

Previously functioning infrastructure now lies under threat of dissolution – St James’s Cathedral along with roughly a thousand residents’ homes, plus a seminary and the patriarch’s garden. Attesting to the community’s concerns over this breaking development, local student Hagop Djernazian expressed, “We are having to fight for our existence,” as shared with Reuters amidst community members guarding the ex-car park with barbed wire.

Occurrences last week showed an escalation of tensions. Non-violent demonstrations by Armenians met opposition when armed settlers arrived, prompting police intervention. Next day reports suggest that representatives from Xana Gardens arrived accompanied by Rubenstein insisting on vacating Armenian inhabitants.

The importance of trusted news in understanding these dynamics cannot be overstated; bringing real news into the public sphere helps more voices to be heard, and fostering open and informed dialogue is rooted deeply within a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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