Published on November 21, 2023, 10:00 pm

President Joe Biden commemorated his 81st birthday on Monday, introducing a new debate among Democrats concerning the relevance of his age in the upcoming re-elections. A fraction of Biden’s aides, witnessing his occasional incoherent mumbles during speeches and seeming disorientation at public events, suggests highlighting the age factor. However, some believe it is expedient to skirt around this topic. As depicted by current polls, there appears to be a consistent rise in Americans who perceive Biden’s age as an important determinant for his 2024 run.

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA), a member of the Biden campaign’s national advisory board, echoes this sentiment stating: “I don’t think the campaign should focus on anything but the winning record. Everything else about people’s biographies or when their birthdays are – that doesn’t matter. People want to know what did they do, and what are they going to do?”

Some Democrats have posited that Biden’s age could signify wisdom and experience, coining him “Grandpa Joe”. Despite party donors raising concerns referencing President Biden’s age bodying potential issues, whispers in political corridors suggest that the Democratic National Committee has chosen not to acknowledge it as a problem.

One Democrat donor explains: “I think the strategy is not to even address it; questions like these are dismissed as trivial or irrelevant.” The donor adds that amidst robust discussions even donors talk about it; however, cornered responses always culminate into ‘What are you going to do?’

There are also connotations within Biden’s inner circle regarding issues such as “optics of age,” but reports suggest confidence within his close allies that he mentally remains competent for his role despite occasional appearances of frailty.

His erstwhile chief of staff Ron Klain mentions that Biden’s team feasibly needs to plan how best to deal with looming questions about his advancing years. “Everyone knows it’s an issue, and we have to address it,” says Klain. “[Biden will] keep on doing the job, campaigning with vigor, and demonstrating to the American people his energy level, which is quite robust.”

The campaign juggernaut has offered various strategies to veil Biden’s visible aging. Some include having him walk less while being captured on camera and factors like exchanging formal footwear for a more comfortable pair to make him appear less stiff, as well as mitigating any risks of falls.

Amidst these strategies, Biden also reportedly makes efforts to bypass reporters while outdoors cycling. In June 2022, he stumbled whilst engaging with reporters during a bike ride near his residence in Delaware.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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