“2024 Political Landscape: Amidst Dwindling Approval Ratings, A Glimmer of Hope for American Conservatives?”

Published on January 4, 2024, 4:52 am

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As we move forward into 2024, signs of optimism and a glimmer of hope abound if you’re a conservative or an opponent of the continuous “fundamental transformation” in America’s political landscape. In these fascinating times, it is critical to acknowledge any positive signals that present themselves.

Over the past few years, good news had been relatively sparse and often deceptive — consider November 2022 as a prime instance. Hence, cautious optimism seems like the reasonable approach upon sighting green shoots sprouting from the sandy terrains of our politics, culture, and economy, reshaped by our governing elite.

It might be perplexing that a lowered presidential approval rating could symbolize hope for a nation. Nonetheless, when contemplating on current President Joe Biden’s dwindling approval ratings, it tends to indicate some degree of public accountability for failure. According to recent polls, President Biden has shown frightening weakness among stalwarts of the Democratic base demographics. With Donald Trump leading amongst Hispanic voters and young people coupled with one in five Black voters now showing support for third-party candidates in upcoming elections.

Recent polling data indicate Biden’s struggles to consolidate support within key parts of the demographic coalition that elected him in 2020 enabling Trump the edge over him slightly at 39%-37%; with 17% supporting an unnamed third-party candidate.

Nevertheless, as they currently stand under such situations Vice president Kamala Harris comes off as even less electable than Biden presently is; Harris’ job approval rating standing at a mere 33% approval against a 57% disapproval rate deals quite the blow.

In light of such standings for both Biden and Harris, there doesn’t seem to be a credible alternative unless perhaps Michelle Obama were to run for office which looks very unlikely at this point.

Not only have several states chosen to prepend their ballots exclusively with Joe Biden’s name thereby forcing voter options down to just one for Democratic primaries but they have also effectively crowned Biden the Democratic nominee without contestation inciting allegations of voter disenfranchisement and democracy devaluation within the party.

Healthy political parties usually would not deny the option for other candidates to be on their ballot papers because future candidate emergence needs nurturing from today’s processes even if your loyalty leans towards a Biden presidency as it relates to Democrats.

The current state of affairs indicates a grinding halt in motion as approval numbers dwindle and dwindling Democratic traction reverberates across. The future path to victory doesn’t look easy either for Biden or any other potential bailout substitute. The nation’s current sentiment rejects their governance influences hence posing a threat to any form of voting success come election time.

Even with mounting signs of our rapid decline as a global superpower, primarily due to economic challenges, invasion threats from China, loss of key influence globally amongst others there remains hope that at some point we’ll hit rock bottom and choose to resist national regression wholeheartedly.

However, admitting defeat is not something this governing regime is used to let alone reexamining their ideologies. Instead, they prefer escalating issues rather than backing off when faced with opposition.

Their numerous indictments against Trump in Miami, Atlanta, New York, and Washington serve more like an escalation sending out threatening messages against any endeavor focused at unseating them from power. Also the continual exposition labeling Trump as a “dictator,” “Nazi,” “Hitler” fuel calculated accusations capable enough of eliciting strong uproar among leftist fanatics who might attempt taking things into their hands.

If fair and free elections can’t win it for them then they’d rather not let go peacefully instead choosing further escalation trying hard to make anyone daring enough pay for resisting their reign.

Blocking interstate highways? Check. Airports? Check. Rioting in the nation’s capital? Been there done that — they’ve previously tried all these harmful tactics before exploring them all over again certainly wouldn’t be an issue.

The year 2024 potentially could turn out to be a highly interesting one. More than anyone else, Team Obama might just be the only ones looking forward to it.

The exceptional signs of change coming in the name of trusted news, real news highlighting shifts based on a Christian worldview assure eventful days ahead where unpredictability surrounds us all. After all, it is News that breaks out into our realms defining our reality better each day setting precedents for the future.

Original article posted by Fox News

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