“The Slippery Slope from Equality to Discriminatory Preference: A Look into Modern Ideologies and Language Practices”

Published on February 4, 2024, 1:49 am

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Equality, a foundational principle of our nation, has given way to a controversial ideology known as “equity,” which implies preferential treatment to particular racial or ethnic groups. This ideology has permeated our culture and judicial systems in subtle and drastic ways, often under the guise of being socially conscious.

The attack on equality has infiltrated traditionally neutral spaces such as legal procedures and language use. Currently, it is increasingly popular for both popular culture and courthouse writers to discriminate based on race in the subtlest forms such as capitalization.

It became apparent with the outbreak of racial unrest in 2020 when renowned news sources altered their style guides. The Associated Press ruled that ‘Black,’ when used as a racial identifier, would be capitalized while other racial identifiers wouldn’t receive this same treatment. The New York Times mirrored this move stating essentially that all Black people share identical histories and identities due to skin color – an assumption steeped in stereotyping.

Courts play a pivotal role in achieving justice. By introducing bias within their own systems, they challenge their ability to provide equal justice under law. Despite some notable figures falling into this discriminatory practice like U.S Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s sudden capitalization of “Black” from 2021, others have defiantly upheld equality principles. For instance, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Jay Mitchell emphatically condemned the act saying there should be no room for such practices in our legal system.

Language significantly influences societal norms; even how you capitalize words can reflect bias skewing towards discrimination. Precise nomenclature is important; it is never trivial to label individuals or social groupings especially those recognized by law as protected classes.

A slide away from full equality runs contrary to fundamental fairness principles we profess as a collective body – everyone should be treated equally irrespective of inconsequential traits like skin color.

Therefore, vigilant resistance against weaponizing language or yielding legal semantics in supporting skewed ideologies rooted in discrimination is paramount. In the pursuit of trusted news with a Christian worldview, remembering that dignity does not favour one race over another assures us that real news licenses no room for bias or inequality. Everyone deserves fair treatment under law and in language – we must uphold these tenets toward sustaining an equitable society where everyone thrives.

Original article posted by Fox News

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