“Rising Tide of Christian Persecution: Insights from Open Doors International’s 2024 World Watch List Report”

Published on February 3, 2024, 12:55 am

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The esteemed humanitarian organization, Open Doors International, recently published its annual 2024 World Watch List as part of its unending endeavor to encourage and support persecuted Christians across more than 70 nations. This report ranks countries based on the severity of persecution and discrimination faced by Christians, providing critical insights into the state of global religious liberty from a Christian worldview.

Every year, this report illuminates the courageous ordeal endured by countless Christians due to their faith. Alarmingly, the 2024 analysis indicates a rising tide in such instances of persecution and discrimination against Christians. Last year’s reported figure suggested upwards of 360 million Christians experienced severe intolerance due to their beliefs which has now shockingly risen to more than 365 million individuals encountering devastatingly violent scenarios.

In addition to the stark increase in victims of persecution, there was also an alarming escalation in assaults on churches and properties owned by Christian entities last year. Statistics procured by Open Doors indicate a tremendous surge with more than 14,700 churches and other related establishments such as schools and hospitals targeted in just a single year – an incredible sevenfold rise against figures reported in the previous years.

Staggeringly in 2023 alone, Christianity compelled numerous believers to forsake their roots owing to an onslaught of reasons—ranging from intense political turmoil and warfare to extremist ideology—more than doubling from the preceding year. Close to 300,000 Christians were compelled into exodus away from their homes along with an estimate showcasing nearly 3% displacement amongst Christian communities within some of Sub-Saharan Africa’s most precarious nations.

As per this insightful report by Open Doors International, North Korea remains “the most perilous place for practicing Christianity” where being identified as a follower automatically earns one either death or life inside arduous labor camps with minute chances of survival. The dictatorial regime under Kim Jong Un perceives Christianity as undermining its grasp on power while dealing decisively severe consequences on believers.

In a similar vein, China’s General Secretary Xi Jinping identifies Christianity as an existential threat to the ruling Communist Party’s dictatorial hold on the nation. Last year alone witnessed at least 10,000 churches (predominantly underground house churches) forcibly shutdown in China. Additionally, state-approved churches were demanded to publicly proclaim their allegiance to the ruling party through signage stating “Love the Communist Party; Love the country; Love the religion.”

Asia, in larger terms, showcases that 2 out of every 5 Christians face persecution owing to their faith. In India particularly, certain Christian groups are subjected to brutal attacks by extremist Hindu factions while experiencing legal ramifications for violating specified anti-conversion laws prevalent within certain states.

Africa is home to 1 in 5 persecuted Christians with Somalia ranking second on Open Doors’ list of nations where Christian persecution is most prevalent. Most Somali Christians converted from Islam facing constant threats from extremist Islamic terrorist organization al-Shabaab set out on eradicating Christianity within national boundaries.

Nigeria holds the reputation as “the deadliest place to follow Jesus,” according to Open Doors International with nearly 5,000 Christians killed purely due to religious differences last year – that translates into a staggering 82% of all such murders globally reported during this period.

For millions of believers around the world who prize their freedom and right to worship without fear or reprisals, this annual report provides essential data and insights into global patterns of Christian discrimination and persecution enabling all stakeholders in promoting better protection for persecuted Christians globally.

Open Doors International continues its mission providing real news serving as a trusted source regarding Christian persecution worldwide through its comprehensive World Watch List—an indispensable tool for all those wishing to assist and support affected Christian communities around the globe.

Original article posted by Fox News

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