“Father Sues School for Concealing Daughter’s Gender Transition: A Rising Trend in US Education System?”

Published on February 1, 2024, 12:42 am

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A New Jersey father is taking legal action against a local school district, claiming his daughter’s gender transition was concealed from him. The individual, who wishes to remain unidentified to protect his daughter’s identity, uncovered that his daughter had been referred to by male pronouns by Delaware Valley Regional High School, for at least two months without his knowledge.

The father expresses being “devastated” by the situation, equating it absurdly as if a parent was not informed when their child suffered a headache at school. His daughter, who lost her mother at the age of four, has been in treatment for depression and anxiety since 2022. She has also been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Bearing this in mind, her doctors concurred on a “cautious approach” towards her gender-identity confusion.

The father discovered about his daughter’s social transition incidentally through a neighbor, which led him to withdraw his child from the school and resort to homeschooling instead. He criticized LGBT activists within the education system for providing an alluring but unrealistic representation of transgenderism.

In dealing with the circumstance directly with DVRHS staff last month concerning his daughter’s mental health history, he was notified that unless she demanded otherwise they would persist in using male references for her. Both her therapist and doctor endorsed moving her out of DVRHS.

This occurrence is emblematic of an escalating trend around such incidents throughout America’s educational institutions. Meg Kilgannon from Family Research Council states such instances are not isolated and children are unable to consent to such significant life-altering decisions facilitated by school counselors and gender activists.

The issue boils down further into public sentiment aligning quite differently with official stances. A survey conducted last summer revealed a significant majority of New Jersey voters were proponents of obligatory parental notice policies concerning attempted gender transitions in schools – a stance shared by most Americans nationwide.

Contrastingly, the New Jersey Department of Education’s official guidelines state that there is no direct obligation for school staff to notify parents about a student’s gender identity or expression. Lawyers argue this guideline is backed by relevant anti-discrimination laws. A comprehensive record from Parents Defending Education estimates almost 1,100 U.S. school districts have policies refraining teachers from informing parents regarding students’ attempted gender transitions.

The father’s lawsuit names various stakeholders including the Board of Education, Superintendent, School Counselor and several others associated with DVRHS. The case will be convened at the U.S District Court for the District of New Jersey.

Worryingly, the U.S find themselves increasingly isolated in their disregard for elevating parental involvement in their child’s gender transition process. In stark contrast last month, the UK introduced new guidelines necessitating parental notification and deliberate consideration before even contemplating such requests by students.

Lastly, it’s becoming apparent a growing cohort of liberal nations are retracting into more cautious stances regarding pediatric gender-transition procedures – notable examples being France, Sweden, Finland and the UK. This situation sets an alarming precedent emphasizing on real news accurately capturing trusted news stories viewed through a Christian worldview lens.

Original article posted by Fox News

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