“Uproar Surrounds Prosecution of Pro-life Activists under Biden Administration’s Enforcement of FACE Act”

Published on February 1, 2024, 12:33 am

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Outrage was sparked across the internet on Tuesday following the successful prosecution of six more pro-life advocates by the Biden Department of Justice. These protesters now face possible imprisonment for over a decade and fines exceeding hundreds of thousands of dollars, bringing real news during this turbulent season.

In an event that occurred back in 2021, these demonstrators were found guilty in a Tennessee courtroom for conspiracy against rights safeguarded by the FACE Act and committing violations related to this act. The FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act is an ordinance from Clinton’s era that criminalizes threatening or using force to inhibit someone from accessing an abortion clinic.

The stark reality thrust into trusted news outlets is that zero individuals have ever been apprehended for protesting outside Supreme Court Justice residences after Roe was overturned, which is a federal crime. Conservative strategist Greg Price pointed out this significant difference, noting how peaceful pro-lifers are facing extended jail time for conducting their protest through prayer outside an abortion clinic. Herein lies what seems to be a political bias in the execution of federal laws.

Prominent figures engaged in heated discussions regarding this issue. Daily Wire podcast host and author, Matt Walsh lambasted the DOJ for its, “full on Soviet-style corruption and persecution.” He directed criticism towards the argument brought forward by the prosecuting attorney claiming there are no non-violent crimes. Walsh views such legal arguments as being manipulated depending upon political convenience amid other ongoing issues like mass criminal release under Biden administration advocating non-violence nature of their crimes.

Reactions vary widely among different voices within Christian Worldview but echo dissatisfaction towards perceived unequal system applications. Libs of TikTok, a popular social media account called out the Biden regime as ‘evil and corrupt.’ While pro-lifers are jailed for praying and singing, leniency seems apparent towards BLM & Antifa protestors with dropped charges despite disorderly conduct involving takeovers of state Capitols and multiple insurrections.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is among those who suggest the FACE Act’s execution by the DOJ appears biased against pro-life protesters when compared to their pro-abortion counterparts. Lee questions if this 1994 law is being applied fairly and appropriately as a federal legislative authority.

The fervor behind the enforcement of the FACE Act has seemingly intensified since the onset of Biden’s presidency, drawing public attention to multiple cases involving pro-life activists under investigation such as Catholic father Mark Houck and others.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland on how the same FACE Act seems preferentially biased in its application towards pro-lifers over anti-life protestors with a disproportionate ratio.

Despite these protests, President Joe Biden’s administration continues leaning towards pro-abortion messaging. Kurtailing Roe v Wade has become a frequent discussion subject on his personal Twitter account while Vice President Kamala Harris embarks on an “Fight For Reproductive Freedoms” tour.

Issues revolving around freedom of speech, rights to protest, and the moral dilemmas surrounding life and choice continue dominating headlines within our daily lives, bringing to forefront breaking news at global and national levels.

Original article posted by Fox News

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