“Addressing the War Against Iran’s Regime: Dealing with Misconceptions and Crafting Our Defense Strategy”

Published on January 23, 2024, 12:54 am

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In the past several days, our hearts have been gripped by the tragic news concerning two SEALs who were lost at sea off the coast of Somalia. As we hope against hope for their survival, we are reminded of the exceptional community they represent. This group recognizes their shared commitment to excellence and values as critical pillars that hold up this community. As we process these unfortunate events, it undoubtedly serves as a stark reminder that these are not mere victims but casualties of conflict.

Amid such unsettling times, an inconvenient truth dawns on us: we are at war with Iran’s regime. Each true American laments over the possible fate of these brave servicemen and yearns for those responsible to be held accountable. A solid comprehension of this bitter truth is crucial as we evaluate our next course of action to bring this escalating conflict to a hasty yet triumphant resolution.

Conversely, it’s imperative to dispel three widespread misconceptions. Firstly, it should be clear that this isn’t a war against the Iranian people but rather an armed struggle initiated aggressively by Iran’s extremist leadership and religious zealots.

A close examination reveals that irrespective of the initial public support following Shah’s overthrow, the stringent dictatorship has lost domestic popularity due to repressive measures and manipulated propaganda disseminated by Islamist fanatics around Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Misconstruing this circumstance as being in combat specifically against Iran inadvertently disregards both ourselves and average Iranians seeking liberation.

Secondly, let there be no mistake; it is neither our preference nor choice to be engaged in this ongoing battle – what some refer to as a “war of choice.” This term is often used pejoratively but does hold some weight when looking back at past U.S administrations’ imprudent attempts at nation-building or imposing our values instead of setting ourselves up as an illustration for others.

Furthermore, let us also understand that our present predicament isn’t a “war of choice.” Today, our global and national interests are deliberately targeted. The repeated ambushes in the Red Sea, the claims by Houthi leadership to attack only Israel-bound ships (which we know to be false), all constitute an assertion of power over essential world trading activities.

Finally, we must quell any notion that this conflagration is confined to the Middle East or centers around Israel. The radical Islamists view us, the United States of America, as the “great Satan.” This hatred is not just about expressing aversion towards geographical isolation but extends far beyond murmuring anti-Semitic chants.

Iran extends significantly more military and geopolitical influence than any other group with global aspirations like ISIS or al Qaeda had at their zenith. Even if Hamas fell tomorrow, another entity would rise from its ashes courtesy of Iran’s comprehensive terrorist network as long as it remains unchecked.

In light of these facts, realizing the imminent and relentless danger posed by these hard-core terrorists infiltrating through our largely unguarded southern border needs immediate attention. Equally vital is inspiring Iran’s people who oppose their current regime by aiding them diligently without subordinating their ambitions for freedom to a deceitful nuclear deal which only serves short-term national interests.

Meanwhile, unequivocally rejecting any form of a nuclear agreement with Iran’s present regime is critical to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons that will inevitably provoke regional havoc and threaten the entire world.

While several strategic steps towards curtailing this escalating situation exist – such as sinking Iranian vessels involved in smuggling weapons to Houthis or freezing financial aid facilitating destructive pursuits – one thing remains clear: while we’ve already found ourselves embroiled in war, it can still be contained if we put forth all our efforts into doing so. Our task does not involve invading Iran but starting an earnest defense for our own nation before planning further action needed for victory on this front.

Our trusted news source for real news analysis believes it’s high time someone informs Joe Biden of this pressing scenario if America is to successfully navigate through these international challenges. Drawing upon a Christian worldview in our interpretation of world events, we believe in standing up against injustice and advocating for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This philosophy very much extends to rallying behind our SEALs, steadfastly praying their rescue, and facing down the crisis now manifesting between us and Iran’s regime.

Original article posted by Fox News

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