“Unmasking the Deceptive Agenda behind the Evangelical Immigration Table’s ‘I Was a Stranger Challenge'”

Published on January 23, 2024, 12:52 am

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In the unfolding landscape where truths are increasingly harder to distill, nurturing a Christian worldview is crucial while navigating through seemingly harmless initiatives camouflaging underlying radical agendas. The Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), often perceived as a faith-based coalition featuring biblical insights into immigration policies, is indeed a camouflage for the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum, aiming to catalyze a Marxist revolution.

Appreciating this fact unveils the ulterior motives behind EIT’s “I Was a Stranger Challenge” — essentially a call for Evangelicals to review selected Scriptures and anachronistically apply them to current immigration policies. Prominent figures backing this challenge include leading Southern Baptist and Evangelical luminaries like Russell Moore, Brent Leatherwood, James Merritt, and Danny Akin. Their association alleges credibility but simultaneously raises concerns about their judgement.

The “I Was a Stranger Challenge” creatively employs 40 Scriptures to further Marxist beliefs, cleverly veiled as biblical sympathy. Contrary to what it seems, this initiative is far from an innocent invitation for scriptural contemplation; instead it serves as an intricate scheme pushing forth leftist open-borders objectives. Its deployment of Scripture isn’t just deceptive but strikingly aligns with political ideologies conflicting with core Christian values.

Those architecting this challenge remain fully aware of their deliberate scriptural distortion and committed anachronism. For instance, Genesis 1:27-28, traditionally portraying innate human dignity has been wrongly used as evidence to support unregulated immigration policies. An equally flawed interpretation can be seen in their handling of passages from Exodus and Leviticus targeting fair treatment towards strangers – norms specific to Israel’s ancient theocratic civilization – being unjustifiably applied onto modern sovereign nations.

Furthermore, The Challenge’s reading of New Testament passages such as Matthew 25:35 is problematic in equal measures. Being compassionate towards those in need is indeed promoted by Jesus’ teachings but comparing these principles with supporting today’s social justice initiatives like hazardous open borders, is utterly inappropriate. The biblical concept of hospitality cannot be conflated with government immigration policy, which requires thorough analyses encompassing law, order, and national sovereignty.

The undue victimization propagated by this Challenge is an additional worry. Representing all illegal immigrants as refugees not only distorts reality but also trivializes the actual victims facing life-threatening circumstances due to political persecution. Similarly concerning is the influence of this challenge on prominent Christian leaders, showcasing a larger issue – the infiltration of leftist ideologies within church premises.

The deceptively benign Challenge promoted by these religious socialist influencers stands as a troubling exemplification of propaganda intent on weaponizing Christian empathy for forwarding their Marxist objectives in church corridors. Their distortion isn’t merely confined to misinterpretation but serves as a premeditated deception seeking to entrap the Church in endorsing policies detrimental to its own foundational tenets.

Christian followers must continue upholding our firm belief in biblical integrity and display discernment even amidst growing hostility and ideological subversion demonstrating itself within Church boundaries. Our faith’s integrity and congregational future depend heavily on our unwavering commitment during these critical times.

Ensuring trusted news based on real news sources instills confidence in Christian congregations grappling with deceptions masquerading as genuine initiative. Our mission remains solid – debunk pretenses underpinning misleading drives aiming to exploit Christian compassion while warding off concerted attempts infiltrating leftist ideologies church-wards.

Original article posted by Fox News

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