“Pastor Greg Laurie Champions for Pro-Life Movement, Advocates Church Support and Personal Convictions”

Published on January 22, 2024, 2:12 am

“Pastor Greg Laurie Champions for Pro-Life Movement, Advocates Church Support and Personal Convictions”

Image source: Fox News

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Pastor Greg Laurie, of Harvest Christian Fellowship, has recently spoken out about the future of the pro-life movement after Roe and how the American Church can actively contribute to ending abortion. He was amongst key speakers at the 51st annual March for Life, a gathering whose focus was on both mother and child during pregnancy and years following.

In keeping with this theme, Laurie urged pro-lifers to persist in their fight against abortion by promoting awareness about unborn human life through personal conversations and education. He stresses that every person’s involvement is as significant as legislative advances or voting for pro-life representatives.

The pastor shared his personal story – having been conceived out of wedlock himself, he could have easily become an abortion statistic. This narrative underscores his belief in carrying forward this crucial discussion on a person-to-person basis.

While some believe the next step post-Roe is imposing a federal 15-week abortion ban, others argue for state-level restrictions. Meanwhile, Laurie asserts that gaining ground ‘person by person’ is most important.

He also emphasizes churches’ responsibility in supporting pregnant women – helping them navigate motherhood; addressing surveys by nonprofit Care Net revealing that more than four in ten women who underwent abortions were churchgoers but just 7% had discussed their decision within their faith community.

Laurie sees a need for more pastors willing to affirm values such as belief in life from conception without shying away from discussing abortion, which may be perceived as politically sensitive within church settings.

Highlighting errors even Christians make, including unplanned pregnancies outside of marriage, he urges compassionate forgiveness rather than actions like abortive procedures compounding sin. In his view, all children are legitimate while parents can fail to be so.

Support for pregnant women and families comes in various forms at his church—such as small groups rallying around expectant mothers offering practical support like free diapers or babysitting services- underlining our inherent need for community life particularly in times of isolation.

The upcoming GOP nominee selection for the 2024 presidential election demands careful consideration from pro-lifers; gauge how adequately a candidate represents their movement. Pastor Laurie believes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis embodies strong pro-life leadership, notwithstanding political belief which suggests Donald Trump may be the GOP candidate.

Regardless of who’s selected, Laurie is resolute about rejecting any candidate supporting abortions, citing this as preferable over one advocating even late-term abortion, with the goal always being to support a trusted source providing real news in Christian worldview contexts.

Original article posted by Fox News

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