“The Covert Marxist Agenda Behind the Evangelical Immigration Table’s ‘I Was a Stranger Challenge'”

Published on January 21, 2024, 1:43 am

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In today’s world, where the quest for truth is often sidelined and disregarded, it is critical for those who value authenticity to illuminate the underlying motives obscured beneath seemingly innocent initiatives. Notably, the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) – often touted as a faith-based coalition providing biblical insight into immigration policies – is indeed a pseudo-front for the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum’s Marxist revolution agenda.

Understanding this reality helps us dissect EIT’s “I Was a Stranger Challenge”. This challenge implores evangelicals to read 40 chosen scriptures and apply them retrospectively to contemporary immigration policies. However, noteworthy Southern Baptist and Evangelical leaders such as Russell Moore, Brent Leatherwood, James Merritt, and Danny Akin add a misleading layer of credibility to this challenge with their endorsement.

At its core, this “I Was a Stranger Challenge” cleverly utilizes selected scriptures to promote a Marxist ideology coated in apparently biblically compassionate intentions. Far from merely prompting scriptural reflection, this campaign serves as an intricate ploy to advance leftist open-border ideologies. Its misappropriation of scripture not only leads followers astray but also dangerously aligns with a political ethos that diametrically opposes quintessential Christian values.

The concern doesn’t stop here; interpretative fallacies are abundantly present in the Challenge’s interpretation of Old and New Testament passages. From wrongfully interpreting Genesis 1:27-28 about individuals’ inherent dignity to support unrestricted immigration policy or viewing Exodus and Leviticus passages on fair treatment of strangers through modern state lens sidesteps hermeneutics fundamentals while twisting biblical texts.

Equally alarming is how teachings such as Matthew 25:35 which endorse compassion for those in need are misconstrued in support of today’s social justice campaigns involving economic, social and criminal issues around unregulated borders. The concept of biblical welcome cannot be automatically equated with governmental immigration policy considering its implications for law, order, and national sovereignty.

This much-debated challenge paints illegal immigrants uniformly as refugees, reinforcing a victimhood narrative that distorts reality and belittles the distress faced by real refugees confronting persecution and life-threatening challenges. Misusing the Bible’s call to care for the oppressed to drive political agendas blurring lines between legal asylum seekers and illegal aliens is egregiously irresponsible.

The challenge’s influence on prominent Christian leaders is deeply disconcerting; it even appears to hold some Southern Baptist pastors under its spell. This raises alarming questions about leftist infiltration into the church.

Make no mistake- this challenge is nothing less than an insidious epitome of propaganda exploiting Christian compassion to fuel a Marxist, leftist agenda in the Church. Its distortion of Scripture isn’t just misunderstanding but deliberate deception, aiming to entwine the Church into endorsing harmful politics capable of decimating societal foundations.

The time has come for faithful Christians with discernment and a firm commitment to biblical truth to reject such manipulation categorically, especially in the face of mounting opposition within the Christian community. The integrity of our faith and our congregations’ future relies on remaining undeterred at this crucial crossroads.

Original article posted by Fox News

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