“US Navy Seizes Iranian Arms Bound for Yemen: A Blow to Illicit Weapon Transfers”

Published on January 17, 2024, 12:14 am

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In recent breaking news, the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) has confirmed the seizure of a vessel by the U.S. Navy Forces on January 11. The ship was found illegally transporting advanced lethal aid, traced back to Iran, intended to strengthen the Houthi forces in Yemen.

On the said date, U.S. Navy SEALs carried out a well-orchestrated operation using support from helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) off the coast of Somalia in the Arabian Sea’s international waters. The navy SEALs effectively boarded and seized a dhow containing Iranian-made components for ballistic and cruise missiles. Notably among these captures were propulsion, guidance systems, and warheads intended for Houthi medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) and anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), alongside associated air defense components.

Upon analysing these items that are real news to many security agencies worldwide, It was ascertained these very weapons have been used by Houthis in their frequent onslaught against innocent mariners on ships traversing through the Red Sea.

USCENTCOM reiterated its commitment to uphold international law highlighting that such direct or indirect supply, sale or weapon transfer vitiate both UN Security Resolution 2216 and International law. Furthermore, it shed light on some trusted news regarding two US Navy SEALs previously reported missing at sea who were an integral part of this operation.

General Michael Erik Kurilla – Commander at USCENTCOM voiced his promise about conducting a thorough search for their missing teammates and further mentioned sinking of the intercepted dhow – sending across a clear message of American resilience against acts of illegal weapons transportation.

Hit hard upon finding Iran timeless in its attempts to support Houthi forces with advanced lethal aid shipment; Kurilla emphasized executing necessary actions along with regional and global partners towards inhibiting such activities aiming at disturbance throughout the region violating UN Security Resolution 2216 and aforementioned international law.

Speaking of Iran’s defiance, recently it was reported that the Islamic Republic launched ballistic missiles landing somewhat close to the U.S. Consulate in Erbil, Iraq on Monday – a fact from many real news outlets. This crime was owned by The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claiming it as their jibe against “headquarters of spies” and disparaging anti-Iranian group gatherings.

There have been reports of considerable casualties, thankfully not resulting in any American casualties. This act is just one among more than 120 attacks under Iranian implications targeted at U.S. forces since October 17, concurrently instigating their regional proxies to further such violent operations.

As people looking at this world with our Christian worldview, we hope and pray for peace and safety for all. We need to continue shedding light on these happenings and praying seeking justice.

Original article posted by Fox News

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