“Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Alleges Selective Prosecution Amidst New Firearm and Drug Misuse Charges”

Published on January 17, 2024, 12:07 am

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In recent developments, Hunter Biden’s defense team has argued that his plea deal’s failure and the subsequent filing of more serious charges against him in California are due to “selective and vindictive prosecution” and a breach of the separation of powers”. The legal team filed motions in Delaware arguing their case and plans to file similar motions in California, requesting an evidentiary hearing on the same.

During Biden’s arraignment in California, Attorney Abbe Lowell repeatedly questioned prosecutor Leo Wise about whether all investigative material had been disclosed. In light of recent findings, perhaps Lowell anticipated some negative data from the investigation yet to become public.

Documents reveal that as part of preparations for Biden’s July court appearance, FBI investigators photographed a firearm discarded into a Delaware dumpster by Biden’s then-girlfriend back in 2018. The handgun was seized by Delaware State Police at that time and placed into evidence storage. Strikingly, when FBI investigators examined this piece of evidence, they found cocaine residue on it – adding weight to pre-held suspicions based on prior message threads showing Biden purchasing and using drugs around October 2018.

Elaborating the timeline leading up to these revelations, prosecutors detailed that on October 12 2018, Hunter purchased items from a gun store in Wilmington including ammunition; subsequently discarding them within days behind a grocery store where it got discovered. These items were subsequently stored in an evidence vault with no charges being brought forward at the time.

In following this string of events through trusted news sourced from court proceedings, it may appear straightforward linking Hunter to both drug misuse as well as potentially dangerous firearm activities. However, concrete evidence must be presented within a rightful judicial framework that negates any potential involvement by others – such as the individual who found those discarded goods – having any interaction with substances related to illegal drugs like cocaine.

Responding sharply to these contentions by Hunter’s defense team’s allegations, prosecutors highlighted how his team has not attempted to identify a similarly situated individual who was not prosecuted for the same crimes or present any evidence of discriminatory purpose.

In conclusion, this breaking news story illuminates critical insights into ongoing legal battles involving high-profile public figures, illustrating yet again how imperative it is for citizens to have access to real news from trustworthy sources that provide comprehensive analyses through a Christian worldview lens. It underlines the importance of upholding judicial fairness and avoiding any selective prosecution while shedding light on the increasingly complex layers within legal cases involving prominent individuals.

Original article posted by Fox News

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