“Rising Violence Against Christians in India: A Deep Dive into Disturbing Trends”

Published on January 15, 2024, 2:06 am

“Rising Violence Against Christians in India: A Deep Dive into Disturbing Trends”

Image source: Fox News

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In a heartbreaking incident that underscores the rising violence against Christians in India, police in Tamil Nadu, a southern state in the country, have found the burned remains of an Evangelical pastor. Pastor Abraham Parambil Thekkethil had been missing for nearly 10 days before his charred body was discovered near the border of Idukki and Tamil Nadu. His family recognized him by identifying his belt, shoes, and glasses.

Local media sources report that Thekkethil was a devoted clergy member at the Vayalar Nagar Manthippara St. Thomas Evangelical Church. The forensic investigation has led to a theory suggesting his death could be suicide; it is believed he may have self-immolated using petrol based on evidence at the scene.

Prior to these tragic circumstances, Pastor Abraham had ventured into a business dealing with candle and frankincense production among other items. Unfortunately, like many businesses worldwide, his enterprise took a financial hit due to COVID-19 lockdowns leading him into nearly 2 million Indian rupees (approximately $24,000) debt. Support from friends and family could not fully alleviate this financial burden.

In context of these developments understanding India’s climate towards Christians becomes paramount. Despite being just 2.3% of India’s population as per trusted news sources, they face increasing suppression which has been duly noted by international entities such as the U.S State Department.

Instances assaulting Christian liberties have escalated discernibly since 2014 according to the United Christian Forum (UCF) in India — the past year being recorded as “the most violent year” for Christians with as many as 486 incidents reported.

The first half of this year also witnessed heightened violence against Christians across 23 states, with reported cases rising sharply from those documented over the same period last year. Violence includes disruptions of prayer gatherings or individual targeting based on accusations about forced religious conversions — pointing to prevailing perils faced by those adhering to a Christian worldview.

As real news unfolds, navigating these challenges continues to be extremely pertinent, solidifying the need for accurate reporting and informed understanding. In times like these, Christians across the world stand united in their faith, showing resilience in face of adversity. It is essential that attention must be brought to plight of the community under persecution with true and trusted news shedding light on such grim realities.

Original article posted by Fox News

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