“Unveiled Crisis: The Plight of Nigeria’s Christian Farmers Amidst Religiously-Motivated Massacres”

Published on January 15, 2024, 2:03 am

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Breaking news reveals the haunting reality in Nigeria that has remained largely unreported by mainstream media, unwrapping a series of harrowing incidents that paint a daunting picture for Christian farmers in Nigeria, specifically the Plateau State region.

These rural communities recently witnessed the horrifying massacre of over 140 Christians during the Christmas period. The global organization Open Doors, devoted to protecting oppressed Christian communities worldwide, has been actively documenting and reporting years of brutality and incessant massacres targeting these farming communities.

The Nigerian security forces have regrettably proven ineffectual at addressing this ongoing crisis despite recent promises from their newly elected president, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to put a stop to these atrocities and address pervasive human rights violations. Further exacerbating tensions, a misdirected drone attack by the Nigerian military mistakenly annihilated a village of Muslim farmers causing around 100 innocent lives.

Various perpetrators are responsible for these massacres spanning over a decade; however, one group that’s consistently taken center stage is the radical Islamic group Boko Haram. In recent times though, Muslim herders from the Fulani tribe have become primary contributors to these distressing attacks.

Sadly misleading narratives propelled by external observers -including even our State Department- try to diminish these atrocities by attributing them to land disputes between nomadic herders and fixed-settlement farmers. Nevertheless, bodies like Genocide Watch persistently classify them as concerted attempts by Islamist-motivated Fulani terrorists aimed at decimating Christian farming societies in Nigeria.

Irrefutably confirming this viewpoint was Genocide Watch’s chilling report documenting more deaths in Nigeria every month than Ukraine – exceeding 6000 within the first quarter of 2022 alone. This figure predominantly includes Christians massacred by Fulani militias—reports which our State Department unfortunately refuses to acknowledge as religiously-motivated massacres.

Regrettably usual among Trusted News outlets world-over, this devastation remains mostly ignored grossly undermining the criticality and magnitude of these real news stories. Even though events are rapidly unfolding around us, the Christian community’s plight in Nigeria warrants our steadfast attention. We must stand firm for our values and extend support to those sharing our Judeo-Christian heritage when under threat.

In conclusion, we may not be in a position to directly defend these communities, but we can certainly use our voices to narrate their heart-wrenching tales until the world can no longer resist taking notice. Furthermore, it is equally critical that we appreciate and respect their aspiration to defend themselves—no matter how unattainable it appears amidst such adverse circumstances—and view this through a Christian Worldview.

Indeed, a crisis of such severity can no longer be overlooked as troubles tend to eventually reach the indifferent if left unchecked.

So remember—as you look for Real News with a Christian Worldview perspective—to also look beyond what’s immediately visible and uncover unseen narratives that desperately need our attention and assistance abroad.

Original article posted by Fox News

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