“House Republicans Ready to Issue Another Subpoena for Hunter Biden Amidst Impeachment Inquiry”

Published on January 15, 2024, 1:59 am

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In real news coming directly from Washington, House Republicans have expressed that they are ready to issue another subpoena for Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, in relation to the impeachment inquiry surrounding his father. This development took place subsequent to Hunter Biden’s latest refusal to abide by previous summonses.

James Comer, Chairman of Oversight (R-KY), and Jim Jordan, Judiciary Chairman (R-OH), officially communicated this reiteration in a letter directed at Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s attorney. In it, they recognized his client’s “newfound willingness” to testify before Congress under a legally enforceable subpoena.

These chairmen penned their agreement towards Mr. Biden’s requirement of the deposition being scheduled on a new date within the upcoming weeks, which would be in line with resolving this long-standing issue as expeditiously as possible.

Significantly, Mr. Lowell had issued an official response after both oversight and judiciary panels deemed his client guilty of showing contempt for Congress due to non-observance of subpoenas released in November. Following these legal proceedings and considering that the House had formally approved the impeachment inquiry against President Biden last month, his attorney ensured Hunter’s agreement to appear in compliance with an adequately initialized subpoena.

Of note also is Hunter Biden’s insistent stance on appearing at Capitol Hill twice; he insisted upon sharing testimony openly in public hearings such that no distortion or misinterpretation could pollute its content—provided it contained valid queries pertinent to the case at hand.

Republicans have maintained their stand throughout these negotiations: they are open to public testimony but only after legal deposition has taken place. Yet they maintain their subpoena power as legally binding regardless of Toddler Biden’s previous defiance.

This development has come about while expectations run high regarding a forthcoming vote scheduled on the House floor this week concerning this issue – events being monitored around the world from many perspectives including those viewing from a Christian worldview specific standpoint.

Jamie Raskin, top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee (D-MD), has also chimed in—challenging the GOP majority to cancel this plan following the reception of Lowell’s letter. However, in their concluding response on Sunday, both Comer and Jordan rebutted Lowell’s suggestion of a “hybrid process” allowing for a public hearing or deposition under private deposition rules.

The two chairmen clarified that Hunter Biden would need to be present for a deposition adhering strictly to House Rules and practices upheld by the Committees, akin to protocol followed by every other witness. This trusted news coming out of Washington is expected to stir further discussion around the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Original article posted by Fox News

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