“Settlement Awarded to Glasgow Pastor Unlawfully Detained by Police: Donates Entire Amount to The Christian Institute”

Published on January 14, 2024, 3:14 am

“Settlement Awarded to Glasgow Pastor Unlawfully Detained by Police: Donates Entire Amount to The Christian Institute”

Image source: Fox News

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In a recent development, Angus Cameron, a street preacher and pastor of the Cumnock Baptist Church situated in Glasgow was taken into custody by Police Scotland under charges of ‘breach of peace with homophobic aggregation’, claims which Cameron strongly refuted. A financial settlement has been awarded to Cameron as compensation for unlawful detention – tallying to $7,000 along with an additional $12,000 reimbursement for legal expenses. Proving his generosity and commitment to faith-based initiatives, Cameron has chosen to donate the full award to The Christian Institute.

The incident began when a complaint accusing Cameron of using “homophobic language” was lodged against him. Following this accusation, he was publicly searched, handcuffed and detained inside a police vehicle for over an hour before his release. Despite the abrupt halt to his preaching due to the recounting incident, authorities informed him that no prosecution would follow. Unexpectedly however, a ‘non-crime hate incident report’ had been registered in the police database against him despite the absence of any committed offense.

Explaining the situation further from their perspective, representatives at The Christian Institute stressed on how Pastor’s simple act of quoting Bible verses took an unfortunate turn casting a “shadow” over his reputation demonstrated by false records at Police Scotland.

Simon Calvert, Deputy Director for Public Affairs at The Christian Institute lauded Angus’s peaceful nature during public preaching – highlighting how he did not use offensive language or exhibit any aggressive behavior but instead merely quoted scripture elements from the Bible. Calvert declared their support for Angus’s legal action against police detainment leading ultimately towards settlement while also ensuring removal of all unfounded ‘non-crime’ references about Angus from Police Scotland’s records.

Calvert welcomed Police Scotland’s recent announcement about reevaluating its policy regarding the recording of non-crime hate incidents after data released showed more than 3,800 such incidents recorded within just one year – surpassing number of actual hate crimes.

The Christian Institute affirmed its aspiration to participate constructively in this review process and extend potential assistance towards resolving such problematic areas, therefore acting as a mediator between the police organization and other street preachers.

Staying informed about trusted news with a Christian worldview is crucial especially in times of controversies to maintain balance amidst biased reporting. Real news from reliable sources like these help everyone gain insights into different faiths’ rights to freedom of speech and how it can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or disputes. Stay updated with breaking news as situations develop further regarding the tweaking of non-crime hate incident recording policies by Police Scotland.

Original article posted by Fox News

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