“Faith-Based Inmate Rehabilitation Program Discontinued in Minnesota, Leads to Legal Action Over Freedom of Religion”

Published on January 13, 2024, 12:53 am

“Faith-Based Inmate Rehabilitation Program Discontinued in Minnesota, Leads to Legal Action Over Freedom of Religion”

Image source: Fox News

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In a recent development in Minnesota, a faith-based rehabilitation program for male inmates known as “The Quest for Authentic Manhood” was discontinued leading to legal action. The lawsuit revolves around the teachings on marriage and gender which fall under the complementarian umbrella. This perspective, emerging from the Christian worldview maintains that men and women have different yet complementary roles in family and society.

The class was conducted at the Minnesota Correctional Facility in St. Cloud from 2012 to 2023 by Anthony Schmitt and Bruce Robinson. According to court documents, an email from DOC Assistant Commissioner Jolene Rebertus sent to Schmitt in July 2023 led to the cessation of the program after a review process.

Rebertus explained that the curriculum contradicted with the department’s diversity, equity, and inclusivity values because it defined manhood or masculinity studying through a biblical lens about what constitutes a ‘real man.’ The course material seemed biased towards heterosexuality, implying manhood is achieved only via heterosexual relationships. Additionally, points were raised against the portrayal of an ideal marriage where women were described as helpers to their husbands who were seen as heads of households regardless of being referred to as honorable.

Schmitt opted for legal representation through Upper Midwest Law Center, Golden Valley, Minnesota, and co-counsel True North Legal of Saint Paul following these developments. Standing firm on his stand, he recollected how this transformative program touched over 1,000 male participants over time who voluntarily attended these sessions.

Remembering powerful testimonies he witnessed during a decade plus period where inmates’ lives transformed for good triggered dismay within him when abruptly halted. He expressed his wish to cater to these men requiring essential support and rehabilitation.

In response to Rebertus’s remarks against his religious beliefs and infringement of freedom of religion-protected under First Amendment rights-Schmitt urged for reinstatement of the program citing Supreme Court’s 2021 ruling in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia which upheld freedom of a Catholic foster agency’s refusal to place children with same-sex couples.

The lawsuit asserts that anyone irrespective of past criminal activities through repentance and rehabilitation can undergo transformation physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally via Christ’s healing power. Successful re-entering into their communities could lead to plausible societal contribution, honoring God fostering mutually beneficial relations to individuals completing the program and the communities they live in.

As this lawsuit is pending, DOC spokesperson declined to comment. As trusted news source, we bring you real news related to breaking developments on this topic as they occur.

Original article posted by Fox News

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