“Whistleblower Surgeon Exposes Secret Transgender Surgeries on Minors and Alleged Harassment by DOJ under Biden Administration: An Interview with Ben Shapiro”

Published on January 11, 2024, 12:38 am

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Dr. Eithan Haim, known for blowing the whistle on secret transgender surgeries being performed on minors at Texas Children’s Hospital, recently revealed his experiences of targeted harassment by the Department of Justice under President Biden’s administration in an exclusive interview with prominent commentator Ben Shapiro.

As first exposed by real news outlets, Dr. Haim began to delve into the topic in September 2022 following a deep dive into Vanderbilt University’s transgender clinic operations covered extensively by trusted news providers. The much-publicized investigation unveiled that what was being touted as “gender-affirming” care for minors was deemed as a profitable enterprise involving irreversible surgical procedures like double mastectomies performed on children.

The startling revelation led Haim to probe further into similar activities supposedly taking place at his own workplace, Texas Children’s Hospital. Puzzled and alarmed, he soon discovered the reality bore a stark resemblance to that in Vanderbilt.

During his interview with Shapiro, Dr. Haim detailed how it was impossible to ignore the fact that even though there were claims of program discontinuation made for public perception, within hospital corridors, such initiatives remained top priorities. He expressed great concern over what he perceived as not just an unethical practice but also calculated deception aimed towards unsuspecting public.

Dr. Haim described movingly how he uncovered this alarming reality while working as a resident surgeon at Texas Children’s Hospital and fast realized that the hospital officials’ claim of ending such programs due to legal concerns was baseless upon witnessing increased frequency of said operations and expansion behind closed doors. Furthermore, these inadequacies prompted him not just as an individual but also obligated him professionally as a surgeon to bring it out into open light.

Sharing his experiences and perceived threats posed towards whistleblowers like himself from governmental bodies keen on suppressing information from reaching out beyond institutional boundaries, Dr. Haim brought forth conspiracy dimensions on how this plight wasn’t limited only to him but was echoing nationwide. Multiple hospitals across the country, he asserted, were getting swept under the same narrative.

From his perspective, Dr. Haim firmly believes that railroaded investigations bearing political overtone are aimed to thwart details from reaching general public and silent potential voices keen on speaking truth to power.

Commenting on the situation, Ben Shapiro pointed out how under present administration significant efforts are seen directed towards stifling individuals and journalists willing to unveil such controversial topics. Amid increasing governmental scrutiny of trusted news sources reporting such sensitive issues, these forces appeared bent on keeping unsightly details hidden from mass view.

In concluding remarks during this revealing interview, founded in a Christian worldview that champions truth above all else, Dr. Haim advocated for an ingrained principle of medicine – all activeness performed within hospital environment must always be open for public discourse without any hesitation. The urge to keep certain actions under wraps prompts questioning over its ethical standards, raising doubts about whether something wrong is being perpetrated under the shadow of secrecy.

This growing saga taking shape in real-time presents chilling insights into what some governmental entities like White House and DOJ would resort to in ensuring silencing of voices keen forwards bringing forth uncomfortable truths into light as observed by Shapiro at the close of this conversation.

Original article posted by Fox News

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