“The Power of Persistent Prayer: Enhancing Faith and Spiritual Growth”

Published on January 7, 2024, 4:08 am

“The Power of Persistent Prayer: Enhancing Faith and Spiritual Growth”

Image source: Fox News

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Prayer is commonly perceived as a tool for us to ask for blessings from God. Yet, have you mulled over this: “What does God receive from our prayers?” Reflect on those moments when you’ve persistently prayed and patiently waited for the Lord’s response according to His timetable and plan. Why does God sometimes make us wait months or even years? Many of us expect that if our request is virtuous, then God should grant it speedily. But what if prayer doesn’t quite work in that straightforward way?

Similar to loving parents deciding when best to fulfill their children’s requests, our Heavenly Father knows that having patience boosts our faith tremendously. Thus, He answers every prayer with either a ‘Yes,’ ‘No,’ or ‘Wait.’

The Bible teaches that only persistence in prayer enables us to ‘ask, seek, and knock.’ This eventually opens doors leading towards gifts that are the most beneficial for us and others. So what does God gain from this? As followers of Jesus Christ, we must remember the spiritual fruitfulness the Lord aims to cultivate within us; qualities like patience, trust, character, perseverance, holiness and hope are organically grown over time- often years on end in discipleship. We are called upon to search for ways to please the Lord (Ephesians 5:10). The Bible points out that it pleases Him when we willingly wait for his timing and plans.

This signifies developing mature faith instead of viewing God as a mere functional assistant in heaven. It is crucial to remember: “I am God’s servant not His advisor.”. Undoubtedly no one else genuinely rejoices at witnessing our growth but Himself- following His precepts truthfully pleases Him while doubt or sin disappoints him (See Ephesians 4:29-32). Growing spiritually impresses Him greatly and strengthens our relationship with Him.

Luke 18:1-8 narrates Jesus’ parable emphasizing perseverance in prayer and unwavering faith. It states: “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). This proves that there’s no greater demonstration of faith than persistent prayers. Author L.B. Cowman explains how the most frequent problem with praying is a lack of perseverance.

Will you continue to pray in 2024, or give up when your prayers seemingly remain unanswered? Faith clings onto God’s promises no matter what confusing situations or stormy periods we encounter. Then Romans 8:32 proposes us this sincere reminder: “If God didn’t spare His own son but granted him for everyone ‒ won’t He along with his son willingly give us everything?”

Here is an encouraging prayer to initiate our relationship with Him: “Empower me Lord to persistently pray without surrendering. I trust you’ll respond in due time and according to your divine plan. Strengthen my faith even when I fail to understand life’s challenges. In Jesus name, Amen.”

When it comes to breaking news from a Christian worldview through real news sources we can trust, let’s remember the role prayer plays in bridging our earthly experience and spiritual growth.

Remember, your spiritual journey serves as an example for others too, sharing real news about the power of faith and prayer as well as how it changes lives fundamentally over time.

Original article posted by Fox News

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