“Making Waves: Global Petition Challenges WHO’s Transgender Health Guidelines Initiative”

Published on January 4, 2024, 4:47 am

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A collection of critics opposing gender ideology have initiated a petition challenging the World Health Organization’s (WHO) current endeavour to formulate transgender health guidelines. Announced in mid-December, the WHO plan to conceive novel transgender guidelines sees several departments dedicated to gender, equity, and sexual health cooperating.

The anticipated guidelines intend to suggest “health sector interventions” designed to enhance “respectful health services” for those identifying as trans or as “gender diverse.” Covering a wide-ranging scope, the guidelines aim at caring for victims of interpersonal violence and creating health strategies that promote a “gender-inclusive” approach. The proposed comprehensive care encompasses hormone treatments and the legal recognition of self-determined gender identity.

Coined as ‘WHO Decides?, this newly-formed petition from resistors of gender ideology argues their strong disapproval towards the selection criteria for the panel entrusted with shaping the new guidelines. According to the petitioners’ allegations, over three-quarters of those sitting on the 21-member panel are staunch advocates for transgender rights. Those few medics present are claimed to be either specialised HIV practitioners or doctors valleyed in addressing gender-specific issues.

Alarmingly still, critics claim there is no representation of child development experts or so-called detransitioners — individuals who once transitioned but later regretted their decision — in the panel’s make-up. Petition signatories call attention to an emerging global wave of adolescents considering sex change surgeries. These signatories argue that most panel members express unwavering support for hormonal and surgical transitions, downplay potential risks related to these methods and negate practices advocating therapeutic methodologies under labels like ‘conversion therapy.’

Through this public opposition campaign, critics are urging WHO officials to cancel its forthcoming February meeting where guideline recommendations will be presented at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. They demand a return to square one, referring partly also to the narrow public comment period, spanning just three weeks across Christmas and New Year – prime holiday periods when many people are engaged in annual festivities.

As of now, the petition garners an impressive support of over 3,600 signatures. The signatories comprise pediatricians, clinical psychologists, social workers, parents of trans-identifying children, educators and a substantial number of professionals from diverse fields. In addition to individual supporters, several consortiums including LGBT Courage Coalition and Sex Matters have endorsed the petition.

Prompted by disheartening confessions from detransitioners concerning their icomfortable journey post-transitioning in recent years; many nations across Europe are now reconsidering policies on medical interventions and social transitions relating to children and transgender issues.

This global tide brings forth a pressing question: who gets to decide these contentious guidelines concerning transgender health? This essential dialogue surrounding trust in news about changes affecting real lives cannot be overlooked if viewed through the lens of a Christian worldview providing timely answers to contemporary challenges.

Original article posted by Fox News

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