“Examining the Compromised Doctrines of Passion Conference: The Need for Discernment Among Young Christians”

Published on December 13, 2023, 1:15 am

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Amid spiritual compromise and doctrinal erosion gaining momentum, young Christians need to exercise more discernment especially attending conferences and worship events beyond the precincts of the local church. A troubling example is Passion Conference, a yearly event especially meant for teens and young adults. The conference, under the propagation of Christian fellowship and worship, poses a severe threat to biblical truth owing to the compromised doctrines by its speakers and worship leaders who are not unfamiliar with false teachings.

Founded by Louie Giglio, the Passion Conference is essentially a large-scale modern evangelical event targeting young adults. Claiming itself as a platform for spiritual revival and Christian fellowship, it leans heavily towards emotional experiences and cultural trends than deep-rooted traditional biblical teachings. Its approach to faith transforms Gospel into an appeal for emotionalism and social activism undermining its original essence.

The core issue with Passion Conference goes beyond intent but also lies in its execution. Over the years the selection of speakers has indicated pejorative trends. Renowned or influential figures like Christine Caine or Levi Lusko emphasis on promoting tolerant, accepting, inclusive Gospel that aims at addressing social issues instead of emphasizing undiluted Gospel with a clear appeal for repentance and faith.

Mainly concerning is the conference drifting towards culturally-influenced Christianity that prioritizes societal trends over sustainable biblical doctrine, thereby diluting Gospel to suit contemporary preferences as warned in 2 Timothy 4:3-4.

Also alarming is speakers like Carl Lentz displaying reluctance in upholding key Christian doctrines reflecting an uncomfortable compromise. Another troubling practice embraced by the conference includes Roman Catholic mysticism practices such as ‘Lectio Divina.’ These practices rooted in occult deny sufficiency and authority of scriptures.

The conference advocates variant Christianity that succumbs to cultural trends rather than sticking to authoritative biblical principles making young believers vulnerable to misunderstanding divine nature risking distortion of Christian living elements like sacrifice and humility.

Neglecting deep study of Bible favoring emotional experiences and personal interpretations is concerning. As Isaiah 40:8 reminds us, God’s Word must stand forever over ephemeral emotional experiences.

Hence it is pivotal for young Christians to be discerning, to test everything against scriptures conforming to the good one (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Regrettably, the Passion Conference represents a path distorting these principles leading towards diluted Gospel.

Given above, utmost importance should be granted by young Christians seeking wisdom and guidance through their spiritual journey. Preferably, this guidance should emanate from local Bible-believing churches upholding high views of Scriptures. Seeking teachings that reinforce instead of redefining fundamental doctrines of faith can prove beneficial.

In a world with compromised truths for popularity or convenience, standing firm in your commitment to enduring Real News – the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ – is essential. Faith-rooted on solid foundation of God’s Word serves as invaluable stake dealing with existing uncertainties.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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