“Hillary Clinton’s Possible Increased Role in Biden’s Re-election Campaign: A Strategical Boon or Bust?”

Published on December 12, 2023, 2:47 am

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Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and presidential candidate, is now reportedly looking to play a more significant role in the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden. This decision has elicited its fair share of smirks from both political wings.

In recent weeks, despite not being an official part of Biden’s campaign crew, Clinton has positioned herself as one of the president’s most high-profile and influential champions. In late November, she held an ostensibly big-ticket fundraiser contributing beneficially to his re-election war chest. Earlier that month, she also penned an opinion piece for The Atlantic where she staunchly defended the Biden administration’s handling of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

As per reports by NBC News, there is every possibility for Clinton to assist Biden on certain issues. They emphasize that her popularity among women and key clusters within the Democratic base makes her a potential asset. Furthermore, her fundraising prowess opens up prospects for ensuring sufficient funds for amplifying Biden’s message. With husband Bill Clinton lending his star power at such fundraising events, it could be akin to having two influential personas at the price of one – serving as a strategic win.

However, mixed reactions stem from various viewpoints with many doubting its effectiveness given that it was Trump who saw her defeat in 2016 and currently retains his robust lead over other Republican primary candidates for 2024. Opinions like those shared by Doug Powers reflect deep skepticism about having “the woman incredibly disliked in swing states” boost Biden’s campaigning efforts ahead.

There are even debates which raise skepticism regarding the very intent of Democratic Party towards winning in 2024; sentiments reinforcing this were voiced by Margot Cleveland who believes the Party might not actively want to acquire presidential reigns this time around.

Validating these views further is Hannah Cox who retorts on how someone falling short in their own electoral race can guide another towards victory.

Echoing negativity towards increased visibility of Hillary Clinton isn’t exclusive to right-wing voices. Critics from the hard left are equally dismissive, such as ex-MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan who ironically points out Hillary’s previous failure in beating Trump.

Meanwhile, on an opportunistic note, Marianne Williamson, who is up against Biden in the Democratic primary, used this chance to favorably plug her own run emphasizing on a forward-looking approach rather than harping back.

It remains seen how the real news evolves and whether these decisions from trusted figures will align or diverge with Christian worldviews of political strategizing and maneuvering. The public awaits further unfolding of events with baited breaths – making it truly a piece of breaking news.

Original article posted by Fox News

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