“Trump Dominates in Iowa Polls, 2024 Presidential Victory Seemingly Within Reach”

Published on December 12, 2023, 2:47 am

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The recent Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll reveals that Donald Trump has seized a dominant stance among Republican voters, outpacing his fellow GOP contenders as the countdown to the Iowa Caucuses continues. The data shows Trump boasting an impressive 51% lead over the total lineup of Republicans, including Ron DeSantis who recently managed to inch past Nikki Haley with a 19% lead over her 16%. This striking number further cements Trump’s ascendency in every key demographic and points towards a striking 62% of support from those participating in their first caucus.

Both DeSantis and Haley clock in less than impressive numbers – only securing 12% and 13%, respectively. The statistics imply a landslide victory for Trump by every measurable factor. Among Trump supporters, an overwhelming majority of 70% reveal they are committed, ready to readily cast their votes for him if elections were to take place today. Meanwhile, the remaining three-tenths reveal they may be swayed towards another competitor.

In recent times, Trump’s favorability has demonstrated consistent upward movement in Iowa with more than 75% of potential GOP caucusgoers considering him as either their first or second preference or actively contemplating supporting him. Compared to his August rating of 65%, this robust ascent to a staggering 72% underline his growing popularity amidst Republicans.

As the pool of competitors fights for nomination narrow down, Trump’s figures have continuously shown an upward trajectory. Even though DeSantis’ polling rate merely recorded a marginal increment making it insignificant next to Trump’s growing momentum. According to renowned pollster J.Ann Selzer: “the condensing field seems to have only fortified Donald Trump’s strength.”

Interestingly, data showcases that around three-fourths of respondents believe that despite impending legal storms ahead of the anticipated 2024 election, Trump can best President Joe Biden. This belief showed significant growth compared to October’s polling, where only 65% predicted this outcome despite his legal constraints. As a counterpoint, the eclectic group of respondents that believe Trump’s legal embroilments could hinder his victory against Biden lessened from October’s 32% to December’s 24%.

Single-handedly outperforming previous records set in Iowa’s polling history as of Monday; Trump received an unprecedented response from each major demographic group. He secured the majority among various categories, such as age groups, self-labeled Republicans and independent caucusgoers, college or non-college graduates, all economic brackets, evangelicals—an influential voting segment during Iowa Caucuses—and folks hailing from urban to rural residences.

Trump exhibits his considerable appeal among people without a college degree (61%), those earning less than $50,000 (61%), men aged 65 and above (66%), and white men with no college qualification (66%). In the evangelical sector alone, Trump takes hold of the lead with 51%, reflecting an increase from October’s 44%.

As it stands today, barring a significant campaign disaster or a critical shift caused by any ongoing legal battles that Trump may face – his dominating numbers are not seen waning rather potentially escalating further. The theoretical matchup between him and Biden conducted since August consistently shows how Trump has managed to either narrow down Biden’s edge or even surpass him altogether.

Adding weight to his claims is Joe Biden’s dismal approval rating on economic fronts standing below 40%. As per statistical analyst Enten: “Joe Biden’s approval rate right now stinks,” pointing towards Biden’s mere 37% approval paired with a massive disapproval score of 63%.

Given these considerations as we approach the Iowa caucuses in just over a month’s time—the prospects look overwhelmingly tilted towards another triumphant run for Donald Trump at this juncture.

Original article posted by Fox News

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