“Controversy Surrounds Southern Baptist Pastor Joel Rainey’s Views on Same-Sex Marriage and Homosexual Desires”

Published on December 11, 2023, 12:54 am

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Yesterday, it came to light that Joel Rainey, a notable Southern Baptist pastor, contended via social media that the Supreme Court verdict known by the case name Obergefell – which erroneously determined that same-sex “marriage” was safeguarded under the Constitution – should remain and not be voided. He asserted that Christians ought not to offer their support for this cause. Mentioning same-sex civil alliances as “marriage relationships,” Rainey expressed his resistance to abolishing what he referred to as “gay marriage” – a non-existent concept in his view. His core reasoning stemmed from wanting to avoid dealing with the aftermath of such unions being rendered abruptly invalid.

However, Rainey’s stance has come under scrutiny for its blatant non-alignment with biblical principles, questioning his role and legitimacy as a shepherd of God’s people. Critics argue that he is entirely ignoring the more significant disparagement inflicted upon the Church by endorsing actions which undermine God’s established order of matrimony. Besides promoting homosexual acts, critics warn it could potentially pave the way towards child trafficking incidents involving perpetrators of these acts. Yet all these issues appear insignificant to Rainey, who apparently seems content with sacrificing these grave matters at virtue signalling’s altar.

But this isn’t where his alleged compromise on truth ends. Recently, a video surfaced showing him asserting before his congregation that harboring homosexual desires- specifically, the inclination toward sodomy- was not sinful according to him. This declaration alone purportedly shouldn’t stir controversy.

Rainey’s viewpoint represents an emerging pattern within Evangelical circles and Southern Baptist Convention striving to reduce homosexuality-related stigma. The idea suggesting an individual can nurture sexual desires toward someone of their gender (provided these longing don’t manifest into physical acts) being deemed unquestionably non-sinful is considered skillfully crafted deception at its finest.

Jared Moore beautifully deciphers this argument in his book named ‘The Lust of The Flesh’. He outlines that this ideology’s proponents are making a vain attempt at dissociating thoughts from actions. Moore insinuates that suggesting an individual can be “oriented” toward the same sex, being attracted to similar gender, and desiring intercourse from a kindred-sex individual without entertaining lustful thoughts is essentially mental sloth.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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