“Christian Leader’s Unexpected Swing to the Left: Pastor Ray Ortlund Backs Kamala Harris Amid Controversy”

Published on October 7, 2024, 12:53 am

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In a recent shocking reveal, Ray Ortlund, prominent pastor at Immanuel Church in Nashville and respected contributor to The Gospel Coalition, made an unexpected political endorsement. Renowned for cultivating a conservative image, Ortlund has taken many by surprise by openly supporting Kamala Harris for president.

While suspicions of Ortlund’s leanings towards left-wing politics had previously been suggested due to his distinct distaste for former President Trump, his recent tweet – “Never Trump. This time Harris. Always Jesus” was the final confirmation skeptics needed.

Analyzing this tweet reveals quite a lot about Ortlund’s political preference and Christian worldview. By denouncing Donald Trump with a resolute “Never Trump,” he appears to align himself with far-left ideologies. His voicing of support in favor of Kamala Harris signals his implicit backing of policies that include unrestricted access to abortion, LGBTQ indoctrination into schools, and an undermining of children’s innocence under the mantle of progress. The seemingly benign addendum – “Always Jesus”- seems to serve as a catch-all justification for these viewpoints which stray significantly from Christian orthodoxy.

However, Ortlund isn’t alone in championing progressive politics while cloaked in a veneer of Christian kindness: accompanying him is Russell Moore, fellow member at Immanuel Church who served as former ERLC head. Known for his ability to softly push progressive agendas under the banner of ‘Christian kindness’, Moore seemingly exemplifies the adage ‘birds of a feather flock together’. Further cementing this coalition is David French, who seems only too eager cheelead their left-leaning course saying “This is the way” – marking the path towards potential cultural and spiritual decline according to some observers.

Ortlund’s perceived moral stance using “Always Jesus” is critiqued as being manipulative; where radical elements of leftist policy are being endorsed under a guise of invoking Christ’s name. The “Always Jesus” mantra is argued to be serving as a shield while he promotes what many argue is diametrically opposing to the Gospel.

Ortlund’s political stand brings his ministry under questioning; it appears more as a facade rather than an earnest endeavor towards spreading Christian values and teachings. Critics argue this move is strategic, conceived for possible financial gain, and supported by similar thinkers like the folks at The Gospel Coalition accused of evangelical doublespeak. Allegedly endorsing progressive beliefs while celebrating “gospel-centered” living, their agreement with Ortlund, staging divisive cultural influences are evident.

As a concluding note – if Ortlund continues advocating for policies that appear to dismantle family values and erode moral authority of churches while acting as ‘pastor to pastors’, it is likely that more doubts will emerge in congregations regardless of how high the “always Jesus” banner is flown.

Original article posted by Fox News

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