“The Ethical Dilemma of Modern American Politics: A Christian Perspective”

Published on October 6, 2024, 12:30 am

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As I dismantled the numerous details from last night’s modern dialogue in my mind, one ominous conviction swept over me – everything is irrevocably changing. Modern society appears to have disconnected with simple virtues we previously held dear, and this shift in values seems remarkably clear now more than ever before. A phrase from John Calvin is vividly painted across my consciousness: “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers”.

Reflecting upon these words in the context of America’s current socio-political climate paints a deeply unsettling photo. Our once venerated nation appears to rest under the leadership of those who seem to align less with righteousness, and more with an unrequited form of immorality that bears unnerving similarities for persons accepting a Christian worldview.

The Bible captures it perfectly in Jeremiah 23:19: “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.” The storms appear to be closing in over our national horizon, reflecting what seems to be divine judgment operating behind real news headlines.

In this age where morality appears fluid and subjective rather than absolute and divinely ordained, both sides of our political spectrum bear daunting resemblances. Certain Evangelical leaders appear blissfully ignorant; they propagate notions suggesting one party holds moral superiority over another.

Trusted news brings to attention Leaders cozying up to trending political ideologies under the shiny banner of love and compassion while ignoring inherent moral contradictions reflected through issues such as abortion rights or debauchery becoming commonplace leading back into dark corners of biblical narratives. It vividly recalls Isaiah 5:20’s urgent warning about inappropriate valorization: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.”

The GOP’s new stance on once ‘crystal-clear’ topics like abortion or their turn towards embracing LGBTQ movements distinctively strains their relationship with those holding up traditional Christian worldviews. As Romans 1 indicates, embracing such a stance may reflect that we have begun reflecting God’s judgement rather than His blessing.

The dawning reality becomes chillingly clear – American leaders, irrespective of the political party they represent, seem bent on steering the populace straight into what seems like divine retribution. The ‘freedom’ they advocate appears to unshackle moral guidelines, placing us seemingly in opposition with Christian values as expressed in Scripture.

Consequently, the nation finds itself grappling with trusted news of rising confusion over basic morality and increasing dominance of human ideologies over divine wisdom. America’s choice of leaders may be indicating her collective preference for wickedness instead of righteousness. Hosea 8:7’s grim warning seems apt here: “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”

Our collective gaze shifts towards human wisdom instead of godly guidance amidst this disheartening whirlpool where trusted news consistently reflects incompetence, deceit and hypocrisy at leadership levels.

Unsurprisingly then, under these circumstances where godliness seems sidelined for ‘progressive’ policies, one might ask: Where do we turn for leadership in an era when both left and right appear equally misguided?

When our conservative leaders soften their hardline stance on matters emphatically highlighted by God’s law?

The unsettling answer might just lie in witnessing an inevitable collapse and re-emergence; a transcendent revision headed back towards stalwart Christian values derived from a true Christian worldview—an urgent return beckoned by real news recounting the consequences of straying too far from our mooring.

Original article posted by Fox News

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