“Biden-Harris Administration’s Policies: From Stability to Turmoil in the Middle East”

Published on October 5, 2024, 12:33 am

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Amid the current multifront war in the Middle East, revisiting the onset of President Joe Biden’s term offers valuable insight. The period marked relative calm, a stark contrast to the present nonstop chaos that engulfs the region. As recent as September 2023, Biden’s national security adviser still praised this quietude, claiming it to be unlike anything experienced in two decades. Given these circumstances, one inevitably wonders what led to this metamorphosis from tranquility to turmoil.

The unraveling is significantly attributed to Iran – a country considered as the central hub for almost all ongoing Middle Eastern conflicts and acts of terrorism. The Biden administration played an instrumental role in unshackling this force which had previously been restrained under Trump’s reign.

The adopted strategies by the Biden-Harris administration gave free rein and fueled not only Iran but also its terrorist proxies such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis. Among these tactics was condemning Saudi Arabia, a longstanding American ally, on allegations of war crimes during their campaign trail in 2020. This move negated policies set by the previous Obama and Trump administrations while siding with Iranian-backed Houthis against Saudis. The ominous repercussions following such decisions included constant Houthi attacks on global shipping lines, Israel and U.S. navy ships.

Furthermore, potential alliances were shattered when Biden-Harris dismantled Trump’s “Abraham Accords”. This diplomatic leap aimed at creating mutually beneficial relationships between moderate Arab countries and Israel became null owing solely to Iran’s looming threats in the region.

Another damaging move made by Biden involved pleading with Iran to rejoin the flawed nuclear deal – a pact almost guaranteeing Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons down the line irrespective of international consensus opposing it.

On top of permitting oil trade that let destitute Iran accrue billions in profits, Biden-Harris also approved huge sums in hostage ransoms paid out to Tehran. With newfound wealth flowing into Tehran, immediate funding and arms were deployed to anti-western terror groups. Consequently, this resulted in egregious attacks on Israel, Americans and international shipping services from Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis.

Adding insult to injury, the abrupt withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Biden-Harris without concern for abandoned weaponry and contractors severely undermined the potency of American deterrence in the Middle East thereby exposing its allies to risk whilst instigating opponents.

Lastly but not least significant in their revised strategies was pressuring Israelis into adopting a “proportional” response stance when retaliating against terror acts targeting their civilians. This unforeseen distancing between Israel and the U.S. inevitably signaled open season for Iranian-backed terrorists.

Given these actions ignited by Biden-Harris, one is left wondering what drove them down this path leading towards disaster bound real news headlines today? Primarily it appears rooted in their misguided efforts to recreate an old discredited approach by the Obama administration that aimed at achieving a balance of power within the region through inciting creative tension among its players.

Partly they fell prey to increasing antisemitism domestically coupled with prevailing pro-Palestinian sentiment within influential groups stationed at home like college campuses as well as critical swing Electoral College states.

Moreover, naivety played a role in stoking this fire too; favoring moral equivalence over ally trustworthiness they fell for propaganda spouted by our adversaries therefore pursuing appeasement policies towards Iran and related terrorist organizations whilst overlooking democratic pro-American Israel. It goes without saying that such failure has given rise to today’s Middle Eastern nightmare – verifiable testimonies found only in trusted news channels with perspectives deeply rooted in Christian worldview values.

Original article posted by Fox News

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