“A Two-Decade Tale of Failure: Analyzing U.S. Missteps in the War on Terror and Lessons from Israel”

Published on October 1, 2024, 12:47 am

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On October 7th, 2001, the United States initiated bombing in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Consequent to this action, a convoy carrying Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar was identified fleeing Kandahar. Yet due to jurisdictional constraints on firing antitank missiles, he was not apprehended. This incident sparked indignation from then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. A series of bureaucratic excuses for incompetence ensued throughout the next twenty years following this tipping point that marked the beginning of our losses in the War on Terror.

This lapse in judgment that allowed Mullah Omar’s escape mirrors the same mindset that led to a conditional surrender in Kabul on August 30th, 2021. The riveting image left by these events is one of Our armed forces beaten by illiterate extremists – a bitter portrayal emphasizing a misuse of both resources and American lives through two decades of war.

The blame partially falls on politic figures whose lack of coherent morality obstructed any potential strides towards reestablishing order post-Cold War era. Despite no official ceasefire or truce with our adversaries, radical Islam continued to advance unimpeded while we chose non-combatancy.

Some victories were achieved–namely the deaths of Osama bin Laden and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—but even these triumphs came as an expensive toll in resources and time. Most disappointing perhaps has been how countries labeled allies have turned out to harbor our enemies.

This steady stream of failures extends even further into diplomatic circles where ineffective rhetoric often replaces decisive action, rendering peace treaties and talks futile against formidable adversaries such as Hezbollah – a widespread radical group instigating war across Israel

Israel’s reaction to attacks presents an arguably stronger approach than ours; rather than promoting “need for dialogue,” they focus instead on decimating their enemy—Hezbollah—and winning their literal battle for survival. Efforts like this have resulted in considerable diminishment of Hezbollah’s command hierarchy, much to the displeasure of western elites who criticize these escalations as unacceptable.

Western news outlets label Hezbollah as a militia group without acknowledging their imperative part in perpetuating war within Israel. Meanwhile, Israel is forced to withhold information about its operations from the US due to past government leaks to enemies which have imperiled missions and American lives.

The crux of blame falls upon the Pentagon for the poor outcomes derived from two decades of war. There seems to be an unwarranted rivalry between Israeli and American military efforts despite our significant financial aid lent towards Israelis military endeavors. Still, Israel has been utilizing this aid far more effectively than we have, achieving victories where we have suffered losses.

One possible solution would be spotlighting Israeli strategies or reassigning funds to them as they prove more equipped at addressing immediate threats such as Hamas and Hezbollah. On the other hand, cleaning house within our own military ranks might also restore lost competence and deter further advancements by radical Islamists.

Addressing this issue would require restoring favorable views towards American military resistance by ensuring that radical leaders do not take our diplomacy for granted at the cost of countless innocent lives — all presented through the professional perspective and underpinned by Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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