“Unraveling the ‘Woketopus’: The Influence of Left-Leaning Networks on US Governance”

Published on September 20, 2024, 12:45 am

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The United States, often regarded as the pinnacle of democracy, seems to be in a state of perplexity regarding its control. The president who should be at the helm of affairs is seemingly bound by the invisible chains of influence from a variety of sources. Astonishingly, it appears that former President Barack Obama could be one steering the ship. This revelation gives rise to this paradoxical narrative interlacing trusted news and real news.

President Joe Biden’s unexpected decision to step aside from the race amid pressure is not just worrisome but also questionable. After all, everyone presumed victory was on his doorstep. His fellow Democrats rejoiced at Biden’s move; however, it begs a fundamental question – who is really in control?

It may strike as quite surprising but signs all suggest that Obama may have been behind some significant moves; ostensibly like a puppeteer controlling his puppet from afar. Obama once jokingly stated on late-night TV his desire for an ‘earpiece’ aided surrogate he could guide remotely has sparked suspicion now amidst public opinion.

However, it must not be overlooked that if indeed Obama held any influence over Biden administration’s decisions, he seemed rather restrained about freezing complete control. One can discern this clearly where Biden’s actions resonate with Obama-era policies led by staff who previously served under them. However, rather than emulating Obama’s strategies directly; they seem more inclined towards currently trending left-leaning ideas.

Although there are credible pointers towards Barack Obama having input into policy planning, to correlate any single individual with complete administrative authority would potentially result in flawed analysis. In context to real news based on comprehensive observation and valid reasoning elevates another plausible possibility: a far more expansive conglomerate of left-leaning non-profit entities working in collaboration with administrative departments behind policy-making.

In context to the United States constitution when considering checks and balances implemented to counteract majority tyranny seems trampled over time by administrative authorities driven by pressure groups subscribing to ‘Woke Culture’. It’s startlingly visible in how major legal decisions are pursued; particularly where Congress directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for clean air policies.

These strategies of weaving regulations with pressure groups are worryingly common. Gina McCarthy, once head of EPA under the Obama administration subsequently became president of a pressure group – Natural Resources Defense Council before her reappointment as Biden’s national climate advisor. This rotating passage for bureaucrats between government posts and pressure groups extends into these entities influencing federal policy-making to support their interest.

An alarming hint at this unethical practice was revealed in the 2009 federal investigation of the Bureau of Land Management; it was figured that a climate group called National Wildlife Federation had significant leverage over official bureau materials. Evidently, Federal policymaking is significantly affected by these pressure groups which thrive on donations from broad leftist funding ecosystems cloaked as dark money.

Distinctly identifiable among conservatives is Hungarian-American billionaire philanthropist George Soros whose Open Society Foundations channels sizeable amounts towards many left-leaning causes. However, it’s just one out of many organizations involved. Substantial sums contributed by large labor unions like AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU, and teacher’s unions are funneled through Arabella investors’ network charities into activist collectives that shape Federal policy-making.

The underlying consequence is a gargantuan entity, colloquially termed as ‘the Woketopus’ who thrusts its ideologies into wide-ranged areas from immigration policies to LGBTQ+ activism. This entity although reliant on figureheads like Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris tends to function independently and even undermine them in certain scenarios such as U.S.- Israel relation post-Hamas attacks.

In an attempt to draw conclusion based on real news sources based on extensive evidence collected, control over U.S. Government struggles within an intricate meshwork combining far-left donors, activist groups, and bureaucrats circumventing between woke nonprofits and administration; this scenario may sound far-fetched but the reality unfolds rather differently.

Though ‘*the Woketopus*’ would not be significantly affected if Harris replaced Biden, it is uncertain how future unforeseen circumstances might impact the city’s power dynamics. This adds essence to understanding why Biden appears less in control than anticipated. Hence emerges a narrative that merges trusted news with Christian worldview questioning fundamental aspects of U.S. democracy and governance.

Original article posted by Fox News

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