“FBI Director Christopher Wray’s Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing: Exploring Border Security, China’s Impact and the Hunter Biden Investigation”

Published on December 7, 2023, 1:57 am

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Breaking news follows a compelling Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week, where FBI Director Christopher Wray gave a testimony on pressing matters including border security, China’s global impact, and the Hunter Biden investigation. This comes amid ongoing probes into the so-called “weaponized” government under President Biden by House investigators. As we delve into real and trusted news from a Christian worldview, let’s dissect some of the key points from Wray’s testimony.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas left no stone unturned as he probed Wray concerning the ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden. The questioning coincided with the release of an impeachment inquiry report by three House committees—Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means—into President Joe Biden, suggesting preferential treatment from the Justice Department towards the Bidens. When asked about alleged improprieties in tax-related investigations of Hunter Biden made by two IRS whistleblowers, Wray directed all inquiries to Special Counsel Weiss. Dissatisfied with this response and perceived lack of action against possible corruption within his ranks, Cruz accused Wray of “hiding behind attorney general.”

Shifting gears to another global concern, China surfaced as a significant international threat in supply Fentanyl—a deadly narcotic—and methamphetamine to America via Mexico. Testimony from Director Wray revealed that China supplies most precursors to Mexican cartels for fentanyl production destined for American soil. Equally troubling is Beijing’s role in supplying equipment for crafting counterfeit pills and ingredients for manufacturing meth south of our border.

Border crisis being another burning topic broached during Tuesday’s hearing; Senator Lindsey Graham raised concerns about the escalating threat level towards homeland security given lax border control practices currently in effect under the Biden administration. Responding to Graham’s queries regarding a possible surge in foreign terrorist threats due to porous borders was FBI Director Wray confirmed an elevated risk environment due to multiple reasons.

Finally, questions flew relating to Hunter Biden again but now around his abandoned laptop which reportedly surfaced in the weeks leading to the 2020 Presidential Election. Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana pressed Wray on why the FBI did not publicly confirm the existence of this laptop, to which Wray clarified their role as non-partisan and revealed internal rules against releasing details of ongoing investigations, especially during election season.

These are just a few highlights from the intriguing hearing. It serves as a stern reminder that political dynamics have lasting global implications and stresses how essential it is for citizens to be actively informed about current events shaping our world.

Original article posted by Fox News

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