“The Dilemma of Conservatism: Balancing Morality and Politics in America”

Published on September 7, 2024, 12:36 am

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In these turbulent times, conservatives find themselves balancing on a precarious edge in the world of American politics, striving to uphold their core value – the sanctity of life. Their voice is drowning under the political turmoil instigated largely by the two leading parties – The GOP and the Democratic Party.

The GOP, once staunch defenders of the sanctity of life, is now perceived to lack resilience in upholding these moral values. Contrarily, we have Kamala Harris creating waves as part of the Democratic Party — an entity fast becoming synonymous with moral decay. Her party’s tactics often are deemed hypocritical and potentially disruptive given their powerful stature in American politics.

The concern circles around Donald Trump’s stance on abortion which has cast a shadow over his other accomplishments. The disappointment voiced by many thus comes as no surprise. President Trump stands accused of giving into the societal clamor around him despite being part of a party that was significantly anchored around protecting life. Ultimately this boils down to one question – How did they get it so horribly wrong?

As advocates championing for upkeeping traditional values strained under such predicaments, they face tough choices. Yielding power to a party that celebrates death seems unthinkable; on the other hand, voting for an admittedly lesser evil buys some valuable time during which freedom can be reasonably maintained against foreseeable onslaughts from increasingly aggressive opponents.

Kamala Harris’ ascendancy might be ringing alarm bells nationwide given her reputation for undermining constitutional liberties while ostensibly advocating for justice and equality. This dichotomy came through vividly during her 2019 interview with CNN where she criticized social media platforms for operating without “any level of oversight and regulation”. Simply put, silencing voices that deviate from Harris’s own narrative would spell doom for those companies even as she puts up a front brimming with congeniality.

Contemplating about casting votes in favor of Kamala Harris indeed raises pertinent questions about its potential impact on our society and next generations. Can we stand the disintegration of our hard-earned freedoms, pressed down under her rule? Harris is known to back policies that undercut the rights of unborn children while stifling contrary opinions. She infamously admitted to recreational drug use, despite facilitating incarceration for many black men on similar charges.

There is a belief within some conservative circles that our current political predicaments reflect Divine judgement for allowing moral degradation to this extent. Romans 1 articulates God’s wrath against those who forsake him, thus there might be truth in such interpretations. This despairing situation seems an aftermath of years of neglectful complacency where politicians yielded to compromises, leading us to pay a heavy price now.

Stepping into darker dimensions, allowing power in hands of progressive ideologues like Harris could effectively be the final blow against the conservatives’ movement. The latter is not just battling abortion; they are up against an invasively progressive platform that threatens life, liberty and pursuit of happiness — and even more importantly – righteousness.

Conservatives yearn for an environment fostering free gospel proclamation, child nurture sans indoctrination scare and freedom of worship nullifying government interference threats — all facets crucial for maintaining societal integrity. We do realize God’s sure promises — the impregnable Church, dissemination of Gospel or His remnant’s resilience even amidst trials but any move laying groundwork for Democrats assaulting Churches’ vitality is unsavory.

Imagine struggling with proclaiming gospels in a scenario where religious liberties are being relentlessly undermined by authorities branding biblical truths as “Hate Speech”. The church’s survival isn’t at risk but at what cost?

Caught in this moral quagmire and if your conscience bars you from voting Trump due to his earlier stances, perhaps understandably so! However endorsing Democratic Party along with their platform through your vote lends you accountable – ignorance claims or innocence pleas hold no water!

Remember that every vote carries weighty consequences and potential aftereffects can’t be ignored. It’s not just a political action—it’s a moral one, rooted in faith. We might long for an ideal candidate symbolizing strong morals and clarity but the reality vastly differs with flawed alternatives.

The only viable way forward lies in voting strategically to delay arrival of progressive wave full-on attack. Admitting defeat isn’t yet an option! Yielding power to radical ideologues could potentially end the battle at once with slim chances of clawing back control soon. Vote as you realize what’s at stake —future of our country, Church freedom, or life rights of unborn children, every vote counts.

It’s no secret that we’re in a relentless struggle for the nation’s future — and in such times, finding real news, trusted news can often feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. Yet, there are still those providing coverage through the lens of Christian worldview- offering truth amidst chaos and guiding their audience towards informed decisions.

Original article posted by Fox News

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