“The Ethical Paradox of IVF in Light of Christian Pro-life Principles”

Published on September 5, 2024, 12:37 am

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In-vitro fertilization (IVF), a beacon of hope for infertile couples, is often lauded as one of the marvels ushered in by modern medicine. However, beneath its facade lies an unsettling reality that seemingly contradicts a Christian worldview and the ethos of pro-life.

The scriptures assert undeniably that human life starts at conception. As per Genesis 1:27, every embryo, being made in God’s image, deserves protection and respect from conception onwards. This universal truth, however, is brazenly overlooked in IVF procedures.

A higher probability of successful pregnancy through IVF relies on creating multiple embryos not all of which are implanted in the womb. Consequently, many are either discarded, frozen indefinitely or employed for scientific research— an act effectively equivalent to ending their lives.

This harsh truth astonishingly places IVF on par with abortion—deliberate termination of nascent human life—a clear breach of the Sixth Commandment stated in Exodus 20:13 as “Thou shalt not kill.”

Interestingly enough, despite struggling with the unanimous support of strict anti-abortion measures— particularly concerning accountability for maternal involvement in ending unborn lives—the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) have come forth recognizing grave ethical issues associated with IVF. In June 2024, SBC passed a resolution condemning any practice resulting in the destruction of embryos and opposing IVF officially.

However, emblematic of varying sentiments within evangelical communities was Jeremiah J. Johnston, New Testament Scholar and pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church whose stance contradicts not only Southern Baptists but also defies undeniable moral teachings propounded by scripture.

Johnston’s recent article for Fox News presents an emotive defense for IVF citing his personal journey confronted with infertility and how he resorted to IVF along with his wife to fulfill their parenthood aspirations. He further advocates the pro-life movement embracing IVF to help other couples realize their dream to bear children.

However, it is imperative not to be swayed by such pleas. His backing for IVF is a glaring betrayal of the pro-life cause. While preaching reverence for life, Johnston overlooks that IVF leads to creation and destruction of multiple embryos— each a unique life fashioned in God’s image.

Stating an embryo “is not synonymous with a child” until its successful attachment to the womb, his defense raises questions on location determining embryonic humanity— an argument both flawed and far from scriptural beliefs upheld by conservative pro-life supporters affirming life begins at conception regardless of its entity being inside or outside a womb.

Contrary to his claims, any attempt defending deliberate termination of embryos—potential lives—as acceptable contradicts the very bedrock principle the pro-life ethic rests on and contributes further to hypocrisies within the movement. A majority evangelicals —63% white evangelical Protestants—perceived IVF favorably as opposed to their firm anti-abortion stand as per recent Pew Research findings.

In conclusion, notwithstanding his role as pastor advocating IVF, Johnston’s position undermines the sanctity of life—a critical tenet he purports supporting. This fact emphasizes inherent responsibilities awaiting pastoral figures in leading their community according to biblical doctrines rather than opposing them. In light of this discourse surrounding IVF, the urgencies associated with preserving unadulterated Christian worldview while digesting trusted news remain paramount more than ever.

Original article posted by Fox News

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