“The Contradiction of IVF and Pro-Life Beliefs: A Deep Dive into Christian Doctrine and Fertility Treatment”

Published on September 2, 2024, 12:42 am

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In vitro fertilization (IVF) has been praised as a modern medical marvel, providing a beacon of hope for couples grappling with infertility. However, a closer scrutiny of this advanced technology exposes an inherent contradiction to both the Christian worldview and authentic pro-life philosophy.

The biblical doctrine is unambiguously explicit in maintaining that life originates at conception. It posits that every human life, from the point of conception, is crafted in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), warranting each embryo’s respect and right to life.

Nonetheless, IVF blatantly disregards this cardinal biblical truth through its underlying philosophy. The procedure typically entails producing multiple embryos to boost the chances of successful pregnancy. Unfortunately, not all these embryos find their way into the womb—many are eliminated or indefinitely frozen while others become subjects of scientific studies—a practice essentially tantamount to disposal of a human life.

This harsh reality equates IVF morally with abortion—it is an intentional annihilation of human life and hence violates the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13).

Interestingly enough, even though the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has grappled with supporting rigorous anti-abortion laws, particularly those holding mothers accountable for terminating unborn children’s lives—they have recognized and confronted serious ethical issues associated with IVF. In June 2024, SBC passed a resolution officially opposing IVF practices.

This resolution validates the biblical assertion that life springs from conception while decrying any practices leading to embryo destruction. It served as an indispensable and principled stand aligning with the uncompromising commitment essential for upholding sanctity of life by the pro-life movement. However, not everyone within evangelical circles seems receptive to this moral synchrony call.

Consider Jeremiah J. Johnston—an apologist and New Testament Scholar serving as Southern Baptist Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church—whose position contradicts both Southern Baptists and Scripture’s unequivocal moral instructions. In a recent publication, Johnston attempts to justify IVF by recalling his personal struggle with infertility and how IVF enabled him and his wife to become parents. In the piece, he characterizes IVF as a triumph of modern medicine and even suggests that pro-life movements should tolerate IVF for assisting couples in realizing their God-given longing for children.

Let’s not be swayed by Johnson’s emotional appeal. His advocacy for IVF is an open defiance of the pro-life movement. While he purports to uphold the sanctity of life, he conveniently overlooks how IVF leads to creation and destruction of multiple embryonic lives—each constituting a unique human beingGod’s image. How can one claiming value for life endorse a process treating it as dispensable?

Recent numbers from Pew Research indicate that 63% of white evangelical Protestants have a favorable perception towards accessibility of IVF including many who claim to oppose abortion. This statistical revelation exposes glaring inconsistencies pervasive in the pro-life movement’s ethos: How can evangelicals find it easy to condemn abortion yet remain indifferent about embryo destruction involved in IVF practices? Are they ignorant of underlying realities or simply dismissive whenever it conflicts with their personal desires?

Johnson embodies this inconsistency—he presents himself publicly as a staunch supporter of pro-life values; however, his views fundamentally contravene the principle of life sanctity—a contradiction that could potentially mislead countless Christian followers into accepting practices utterly opposed to biblical teachings on life.

In conclusion, any defense or endorsement relating to destruction caused by IVF undermines the very foundation on which pro-life platforms stand—it is indeed betrayal couched in heartbreaking contradictions to biblical principles championing unabridged respect for life. As such, leaders like Johnson must acknowledge their responsibility towards guiding their followers inline with Scripture rather than opposing it.

Original article posted by Fox News

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