“Political Engagement of Churches: A Necessary Act for Shaping Society’s Values”

Published on September 1, 2024, 1:18 am

“Political Engagement of Churches: A Necessary Act for Shaping Society’s Values”

Image source: Fox News

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In an increasingly politically charged climate, the involvement of churches in politics becomes an important topic to be considered from a Christian worldview. While churches should indeed engage in political discourses as religious bodies, they must remain firm and not become mere appendages of political parties or candidacies.

It is imperative to acknowledge that it’s not only feasible but highly likely for churches to be drawn into politics – a fact brought into sharp focus as the race for presidency intensifies in USA. This largely stems from the fact that every political system or cause is predicated on a distinct worldview, underpinned by specific sets of values. These values are often influenced by perceived transcendent principles.

Churches play a significant role in shaping these values which form worldviews that ultimately influence political endeavours, policies, and power structures. A church’s value system thus serves as an authoritative measure for judging between contrasting political ideologies, campaign strategies and styles of governance employed by different election candidates.

For instance, figures like Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have endeavored to exhibit some form of transcendental value in their campaigns. However naive it may sound, politics can’t be ignored simply by shutting church doors. Churches attempting to maintain distance can easily become bait for politicians seeking endorsements while being oblivious about genuine religious teachings.

As breaking real news confirms this unavoidable alliance between churches and politics, religious leaders need to step up assert their views on critical social issues and party platforms with firmness. The late Billy Graham represents a perfect embodiment of this assertion. Known for his strong alliances with various politicians who sought his support; Graham had firmly established his transcendent values before engaging with any politician. Even when faced with criticism and misunderstanding, he continued ministering both to candidates requiring his guidance and the nation at large during intense campaigns.

Such commitment like Graham’s shows just how necessary it is for church leaders to prepare themselves and their communities to answer when politicians come calling. The ability to challenge politicians with relevant questions and concerns plays a vital role, almost prophetic, in shaping the political arena. Religious leaders should unflinchingly step into this challenging space and participate in forming the crucial values that give birth to political worldviews.

In reality, church leaders bear a profound responsibility towards their congregations and the wider community alike. Their bold participation in the political process aids in structuring a quality governance system across all levels. Acquiring real news and disseminating trusted news is as much an act of ministry as visiting a patient hospitalized – the nation seeks courageous religious leaders who can effectively contribute to its governing structures.

Wallace B. Henley’s latest book ‘Who Will Rule The Coming ‘Gods’?’ is an enlightening read addressing spiritual crisis looming due to artificial intelligence.

Original article posted by Fox News

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