“No Peace With Progressives: Echoes of the Protestant Reformation in Modern Times”

Published on September 1, 2024, 1:15 am

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During the era of the Protestant Reformation, a potent maxim resounded across Europe: “No Peace with Rome.” This phrase carried the conviction of those who refused to entertain any compromise with the Roman Catholic Church, an institution steeped in their eyes with corruption and heresy. Reformers held steadfastly to their understanding of gospel truth against powerful forces of unity underpinned by these erroneous foundations. Today, as we find ourselves amid breaking news stories born from this modern age, Christians are once again standing at such crossroads.

However, today’s Rome does not come adorned in medieval ritualism but rather disguises itself through progressivism. Current figures like Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi wear their faith like low-budget political props, while others posing as Evangelical pastors rarely veil their alignment with left-leaning views. The mantra is clear – adherence to an agenda that often feels at loggerheads with divine mandate makes them akin to a new papal power.

Unilateral dissent against God unifies different fractions within society – be it politicians on left-wing platforms or progressives pushing liberal ideologies. These elements bear striking similarity to ancient Roman powers causing division among believers. Echoing our forebears’ stance during the Protestant Reformation phase, firm lines must be drawn against succumbing to this new progressive tide.

The enticing melody of unity may seem seductive when sung in chorus by some popular pastors, politicians and pundits. Their united chord condemns violence only when it feeds their narrative – whether manifesting as school shootings or assassination attempts such as January 6th incidents. Yet one cannot ignore the blatant hypocrisy as they turn a blind eye towards unborn innocents’ abortion and cities burning down amidst riots – both testimonies contradicting their call for peace.

The underlying worldview propagated by these individuals is not benign; it is cancerous gnawing at everything God stands for and His creation commonly revered by His Church’s principles. They pose themselves as harbingers of peace and reconciliation. Still, in reality, they secretly devote their energies to dismantle the Church’s mission and wreak societal havoc. Indeed, these architects of chaos sow discord while wearing masks of harmony.

Their cleverly orchestrated strategy involves weaving tales of fear into cultural fabric, narrating false stories about those unafraid to stand firmly beside the truth. Labels crafted by them are not casual insults; instead, they are strategic weapons meant to hoodwink people on the right-wing of politics.

This feigned unity allegedly advocated by church leaders seeks common ground with forces propagating wickedness. Yet in this war against rising tide of malevolence, there can be no compromise or surrender – echoing resolutely what reformers asserted years back: “No peace with Romeā€”no peace with progressives.”

In conclusion, the importance of sticking steadfastly by a rigorous Christian worldview is magnified by recent news events both local and global in scope. As believers committed to real news and trusted news sources now more than ever understand that true unity cannot be achieved via compromise on fundamental principles underlining our faith. Notwithstanding the political climate or emerging social conventions – one thing is sure: In this challenging era lying ahead, believers find solace knowing unequivocally true- No Peace With Progressives!

Original article posted by Fox News

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