“No Peace with Progressives: The Modern Threat to Christian Values”

Published on August 26, 2024, 12:35 am

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During the era of the Protestant Reformation, the proclamation “No Peace with Rome” carried great weight across Europe. It was a firm stance by those who refused to align themselves with the corruption and heresy deeply rooted in the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers perceived such alignment as a betrayal to the Gospel itself, hence their steadfast resolution against caving into pressures for false unity that necessitated silence in the face of heresy.

In today’s Christian worldview, we find ourselves at similar crossroads once again. However, this time around, we face not a church buried in medieval rituals but a modern, insidious power masked as progressivism. This power embraces figures from all spheres; prominent politicians like Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi who flaunt their faith for political gains or agitators camouflaged as Evangelical pastors—such as David Platt, Matt Chandler and Thabiti Anyabwile. This contemporary papal power is advancing an agenda posing threat to God Himself.

Regrettably, some perceive refusal to seek unity with them as “political idolatry,” making a detrimental mistake of equating moral issues such as abortion, homosexuality and critical race theory with mere political convictions.

The left-wing progressives united under varying names are bound by one unholy creed: resistance against God. Similar to how reformers refused peace with powers of their era that were fundamentally opposed to scriptural principles, true believers today must refuse peace with left-leaning entities infiltrating churches with godless ideologies.

Despite exuding seductive echoes of unity, these wolves dressed in sheep clothing swiftly denounce violence if it serves their narrative yet hypocritically turn a blind eye to atrocities such as abortion or racially motivated violence in public schools. Their hypocrisy derives from an underlying anti-God worldview that eats away at principles foundational for believers—the Church and His creation.

Over recent years, leftists have become masters at furthering divisions under the guise of promoting unity. The strategy they employ is transparent and malicious; they perpetuate fear by spreading lies about those standing for real, trusted news and truth.

The architects of chaos behind this mayhem want individuals standing up for life, biblical truths or limited government regulations to believe that defending these principles makes them monsters. This is a strategic move aimed at stirring hatred and violence against anyone opposing their radical agenda—insidiously framing good as evil and vice versa.

In the face of this onslaught, congregants are urged by some church leaders to seek “unity” and “common ground.” As believers, we must stand against such wicked ideologies with a resolve reminiscent of reformers: No peace with Rome—no peace with progressives.

In this war on Christian values, compromise or surrender isn’t an option—the cost is simply too high. Remember, the fight for faith isn’t just about us; its implications stretch far into the past, balancing on the shoulders of giants who stood up for what is right. Hence, in striving to advance our Christian worldview amidst breaking news cycle steeped in deceit and confusion, we must ensure that no sacrifice is too great in protecting God’s hallowed truths from erosion.

Original article posted by Fox News

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