“Postmodernism and Christianity: The Distortion of Christian Principles in Modern Society”

Published on August 25, 2024, 12:31 am

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The bedrock of Western civilization, Christianity, has served as an influential guide for numerous aspects of society, such as business ethics and scientific advancements. However, a new development that masquerades under the banner of postmodernism is gradually infiltrating societal norms. This movement bears a striking resemblance to elements of ancient anti-Christian paganism.

Evocative of the pagan rituals dedicated to Molech in antiquity, this cult venerates children’s sacrifice — not within the confines of secluded temples but at the behest of convenience and ease. In contemporary parlance, we have come to recognize this act by the sanitized term “abortion.”

US Senator Raphael Warnock—also serving as pastor at Atlanta’s monumental Ebenezer Baptist Church—has emerged as one of the distinguished figures promoting this paradigm shift. Touted by his followers as ‘Reverend,’ his tenure reflects a radical political ideology seeking to exploit religious faith for furthering political ambitions contrary to religious tenets advocating sanctity and righteousness.

Even more alarming is Senator Warnock’s self-proclaimed declaration as a “pro-choice pastor”, essentially endorsing abortion—a practice ostensibly incompatible with Christian principles that regard life as sacred. Despite robust support for his misguided beliefs—with numerous endorsements on social media—it remains crucial to reflect upon these self-deluding interpretations from a legitimate Christian worldview.

The notion that one can retain their Christian faith while advocating public endorsement for abortion—a heinous act unraveling God’s precious gift of life—is gaining alarming popularity within our society; individuals propagating such views are entrusted with educating future generations.

Furthermore, “Evangelicals for Harris”—comprising various influential Southern Baptist pastors—have voiced approval for Senator Warnock’s misleading assertions in a sermon claiming that “we are all God’s children.”

In light of these recent developments, it resonates profoundly clear that anyone supporting abortion or aligning themselves with promoters thereof cannot be deemed godly beings. Their teachings and practices contradict the gospel’s essence fundamentally. These individuals don’t truly comprehend or follow the teachings of Christ, leaning instead toward promoting acts causing harm and destruction—an attribute attributed to Satan in Christian scripture.

In a display capturing her self-proclaimed spiritual guide status, Oprah Winfrey addressed a gathering at the DNC with a speech aimed at normalizing abortion. Similarly, recent news from Christianity Today provided strong indications that formerly reputable Christian perspectives have veered off course.

Phil Vischer, best known for creating children’s animated series VeggieTales, has also been noted as one spreading flawed doctrines under the guise of Christian-themed production.

To safeguard authentic Christian views within contemporary discourse requires vigilance against such intentional or misguided tendencies favoring ethically troubling notions while claiming alignment with Christianity. Validating such viewpoints with reference to scriptural authority will help discern trusted news from distortions that diverge from a genuine Christian worldview amid today’s real news landscapes.

Original article posted by Fox News

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