“Revival of Ancient Anti-Christian Paganism: The Threat to Western Civilization and the Role of Modern Politics”

Published on August 24, 2024, 12:30 am

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In a rapidly changing world, one cannot ignore the insidious cult that has been slyly permeating every facet of society, garbed in the trappings of postmodernism. The phenomenon can be likened to an uncanny modern-day revival of ancient anti-Christian paganism. Far from being a harmless cultural shift away from Judeo-Christian values, it is an existential threat to the foundational principles that have defined Western civilization from time immemorial.

Among its harmful practices—arguably the most tragic—is its utmost devotion to child sacrifice under the guise of what many refer to as “abortion.” This practice often becomes a cover for sidestepping responsibility and societal judgment. Consciously or not, this system parrots ancient pagan rituals such as those practiced by followers of Molech.

One such torchbearer of this troubling trend is U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock or better put, Reverend Warnock. A figure towering within America’s political landscape, Warnock brazenly attaches his pastoral influence to radical ideologies that steer the nation further into social and political ruins.

In an audacious move, he even identifies himself as a “pro-choice pastor” with clear support coming through in thousands of likes on his social media posts reflecting such proclamations. Like a snake whispering sweet lies as was portrayed in biblical narratives like Genesis 3:1 – 24 (ESV), he effectively casts doubts on timeless Christian tenets while sowing seeds of acceptance around abortion.

This narrative isn’t unique to Warnock alone but finds sympathy within wider Democrat circles. It is now commonplace belief among these factions that role and responsibilities vested in government institutions should find no bearing on issues like abortion which they view as sanctimonious personal liberties.

Movements like “Evangelicals for Harris” provide strength in numbers to this ideology by their open endorsement and alignment with figures propagating these concepts and values thus influencing sectors like education that are tasked with shaping future generations.

The deplorable turnout of individuals aligning with these perspectives concludes with no better term than children of Satan according to scriptures like John 8:44 (ESV). They fail to understand the profound message of the gospel and love for humanity it preaches. Instead, they commit themselves to deeds tethered to their carnal nature, totally detached from a genuine Christian worldview.

It is an urgent call for ardent supporters, thinkers, and advocates who have faith in our work, the spreading of truth and real news —not muddled by human interests—to rally behind us as we combat this unsettling trend. Be part of our family as a subscriber or giver to ensure trusted news sources continue delivering substantial comments concerning a world that is rapidly losing sight about its origin and destination.

Original article posted by Fox News

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