“Christianity vs The Rising Culture of Abortion: A Battle for Moral Upholdment in Contemporary Society”

Published on August 23, 2024, 12:34 am

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The principles of Christianity have been historically known to form the bedrock of Western civilization, influencing every aspect from scientific advancements to business ethics. However, a new destructive cult reeking of ancient paganism has infiltrated all walks of contemporary life. Disguised in the façade of postmodernism, this cult venerates its most sacred sacrament – abortion.

As quoted from Proverbs 8:36 in Christian scripture, “All who hate me love death.” This poignant declaration symbolizes the twisted ideology adopted by this cult – a reincarnation of ancient anti-Christian sentiment that centers around child sacrifice for convenience. While it’s referred to as abortion today, it essentially mirrors blood-curdling rituals practiced by adherents of Molech in antiquity.

Members like U.S Senator Raphael Warnock are considered high priests within this cult. Paradoxically bearing the title “Reverend,” Warnock has proven himself an extreme ideologue leveraging his religious standing not for moral upliftment but rather for political gain and societal decline.

Disturbingly, Warnock self-identifies as a “pro-choice pastor” which implies he sees no contradiction between supporting child termination rights and following Christian principles – drawing significant public support with over 109 thousand liking his corresponding social media post at the time of writing.

Moreover, groups such as “Evangelicals for Harris” – including various notable Southern Baptist pastors – commend this “pro-choice pastor” for sermonizing that everyone is ‘God’s children.’ It clearly signals a dangerous shift towards mainstream acceptance amongst supposed men and women of God endorsing policies contrary to Christian values.

In reality though, those who support abortion or any individual backing the Democrat party, their agenda or leadership cannot truly be called ‘children of God.’ According to John 8:44 from Holy Scripture “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires…” denotes anyone endorsing anti-Christian values as a child of Satan, thereby consigning this faulty belief system to the realm of falsehood and depravity.

Today’s real news reveals how breaking trends such as these seep into everyday conversation, often cloaked in society’s desires for progression and inclusivity. It is critical to discern between what promises temporal societal advancements versus what endangers eternal principles according to a Christian worldview. The challenge lies in promoting trusted news that resonates with these biblical ideologies amidst a sea of contrasting viewpoints. Verbally countering pro-choice narratives while endorsing pro-life campaigns reflects true adherence to Christian values in the face of growing secular influence.

Original article posted by Fox News

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