“Chicago Public Schools Accused of Promoting Queer Theory in Health Education Classes”

Published on August 23, 2024, 12:32 am

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In recent breaking news, evidence suggests that the Chicago Public Schools system is encouraging pupils to delve into “powerful queer theory” through health education classes. The information was part of a report released by Parents Defending Education, a group championing parental rights.

With attention focused on Chicago due to the Democratic National Convention, this trusted news broke this Wednesday revealing that first-grade students are learning about “gender identity,” whereas fifth graders receive instruction regarding “puberty blocker medications” that are potentially used by young transgender persons.

Rhyen Staley, a researcher for Parents Defending Education, stated on Thursday that the curriculum titled “Personal Health and Safety Education & Sexual Health Education Scope and Sequence” in Chicago Public Schools appears deliberately structured to lead children towards questioning their own gender. According to him, an underlying process seems be in place with the intention of introducing students gradually to radical queer theory.

A closer look at the curriculum reveals a generative process subtly steering students towards queer theory over time. For instance, pre-kindergarten children are taught about various family structures while understanding why one type of family isn’t superior to another.

When these kids reach first grade, they learn about aspects like gender stereotypes as well as how they may limit individuals of all genders.

By third grade, students understand the difference between sex assigned at birth and “gender identity.” Additionally, they deepen their comprehension of what being transgender means along with exploring concepts around gender expression.

The curriculum’s interpretation of ‘transgender’ is coined as when an individual’s gender feelings contrast with their sex designation received at birth from doctors/midwives.

Interestingly enough the intensity of promulgating gender ideology increases by fourth grade exemplarily defining men as bodies with penises and testicles while women are seen as bodies possessing ovaries. Here, vivid ideas regarding aspects such as sexuality orientation in relation to birth sex; plus gender expression issues showcased within a “gender snowperson” handout which educates about gender identity and expression comes to light.

By fifth grade, lessons are starting to be geared around “puberty blockers,” a controversial medication known to potentially cause issues like impeded fertility, retarded bone development, and heart problems. Along with this, the link between puberty and gender identity is explored while also introducing options of puberty blocking medicines for young transgender individuals.

An alarming aspect amidst all this focus on gender ideology is that only 31% of the district’s elementary students are proficient in reading while a mere 19% excel in mathematics.

Such infusion of left-wing ideologies by Chicago Public Schools was harshly criticized by Erika Sanzi – Director of Outreach for Parents Defending Education. She reiterated that such practices are reckless and indefensible as they go against the main principle of imparting real news and critical understanding based on scientific facts rather than pseudoscience/ideologies. It’s perceived as an attempt to skew the worldview in children especially when it is related with topics sensitive enough to significantly shape their identities from a very young age.

Original article posted by Fox News

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