“Challenging Disability Stigmas: A Christian Perspective on Advocacy and Inclusive Care”

Published on December 4, 2023, 2:10 am

“Challenging Disability Stigmas: A Christian Perspective on Advocacy and Inclusive Care”

Image source: Fox News

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In our ever-changing world, there’s one thing that remains constant: Human nature. One particular aspect of human nature is how we relate to people with different physical abilities. Are we cognizant of their situation and compassionate enough to lend a helping hand? This article brings this matter into sharp focus from a Christian worldview.

As any well-informed reader knows, the New Testament is replete with accounts of Jesus performing miracles to cure ailments—the largest number thereof being cures for diseases. His acts of healing—whether involving eyes, bones, skin, blood, muscles, ears or vocal cords—showcased not only His divine ability but also His profound empathy towards people living with disabilities. It clearly reflects God’s deep care for children with disabilities.

Despite much-needed improvement in some areas, it’s heartening to note that Americans have made substantial progress in improving the lives of persons with disabilities and in enhancing our interaction with them. Regrettably, this isn’t true universally.

Across Africa and parts of Asia, societal reactions towards differently-abled children are starkly different. It isn’t uncommon for such youngsters to be ostracized by society or confined within the walls of their homes out of misplaced shame. Erroneous cultural beliefs attribute these disabilities to parental sin or divine curses —unexpected stumbling blocks in the path to generating awareness and effecting change.

CURE International seeks to reverse such harmful societal perceptions. Serving as an advocate for children suffering from treatable conditions like clubfoot or cleft lip/palate in several countries worldwide (from Niger to Philippines), it campaigns vehemently against this skewed view that likens disabled children to lepers—a stark throwback term reflective of social disrespect.

To counter these deep-rooted misconceptions about disability ingrained in many societies they function within, CURE has undertaken exemplary initiatives hardwired toward bringing about real change on ground zero. They have joined hands with local churches across these regions to disseminate a Biblical understanding of disability, making it amply clear that the level of ability is not an index of the Almighty’s love for His children, and that disability should not be a ground for social embarrassment or familial shame.

This global initiative has been no less than life-altering. Reports indicate an estimated 30,000 people (including over 2,000 church leaders) attending CURE’s ‘Theology of Disability’ seminars. Distribution of Bibles has hit the impressive number of 65,000 while CURE’s collaboration with PraiseWorks has facilitated greater outreach to children by sharing age-appropriate Gospel materials. Observing the effects ripple through their communities are churches opening doors wider to welcome disabled practitioners and schools doubling down on ending bullying and encouraging parents toward medical evaluations.

Yes, strides in shattering stigmas are slower than desired but progress is evident nonetheless. The challenge remains in standing up against these societal prejudices and doing what one can to make this world more convenient for all individuals regardless of their physical capabilities. Encouraging us all to envision the world from different perspectives will go a long way in ensuring equality.

God’s nature remains unchanged as does human nature; this includes continuing his work in “healing the sick and proclaiming the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:2), a sentiment echoed by Justin Narducci, President & CEO of CURE International.

CURE international represents advancements that have been made worldwide on behalf on individuals with disabilities, yet there is still much work to be done. For reliable news updates from organizations making a difference around the globe like CURE International and more trusted news content viewed through a Christian lens, keep following this space.

Original article posted by Fox News

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