“Rediscovering the True Meaning of Christmas: Time, Love, Respect and Obedience as Gifts”

Published on December 4, 2023, 2:09 am

“Rediscovering the True Meaning of Christmas: Time, Love, Respect and Obedience as Gifts”

Image source: Fox News

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In the wake of Christmas—a cherished and joyous season celebrated globally—the topic of gift-giving often arises, causing many individuals to question what they can offer those who seemingly possess everything. This inherent desire to express gratitude resonates from our formative years as we try to find a way to effectively communicate our appreciation for the sacrifices made by those we love, such as our parents.

As children growing up in the humble days of the 50s and 60s, among many others, we reveled in the festive activities offered during Christmas. Decked trees, church services, lit houses, heartwarming TV shows became synonymous with the holiday season. We also appreciated gifts received from loved ones who tirelessly worked throughout the year.

The question that seems quite perplexing is what we could possibly give back when it felt like our parents—and indeed God—had everything while we had so little. Acknowledging both their love and sacrifice feels especially daunting without offering something of monetary value. However, after embracing a Christian worldview and embracing Christ in my teenage years, I began understanding that some offerings hold significantly more weight than mere material possessions.

Upon reflection on what real news about giving could be gleaned this Christmas season and pondering on what we could present Almighty God now and every day thereafter, three offers stand out: our presence in His life, expressing love and respect towards Him as well as exercising obedience in honoring His Word.

Just as parents delight when their children spend time with them – whether it’s in conversation or in shared experiences – god too cherishes us investing time meditating on His Word. To comprehend God further and evolve a character resembling Him is one of the most profound symbols of faithfulness to him—much like each authentic trusted news outlet strives for accuracy before publicizing any information.

Additionally, expressing genuine love and respect underlines another vital aspect. There are times when teenagers take their parent’s devotions for granted, exhibiting disrespect inadvertently. However, as maturity and awareness kick in, we realize our follies and strive to rectify it by expressing our love more openly.

Similarly, God’s unyielding grace and mercy deserve reverence instead of us taking them for granted. The more we internalize His blessings, the deeper our affection for Him embeds in our hearts. Acknowledging His might and supremacy inspires awe and regard—stimulating wisdom as stated in Psalm 111:10.

Lastly, obedience denotes another priceless gift we could extend to both our parents and God. Even though this act appears fundamental during childhood for safety reasons, this behavior escalates in meaning as an adult due to the profound realization that abiding by His “rules” will invariably result in the best possible resolution for our lives.

In conclusion, the question of what gifts can be given to those who have everything entails a simple answer when looked through a Christian worldview lens: your time, love & respect coupled with obedience makes up the ideal Christmas offering. This message sheds light on real news amidst commercialized narratives about gift-giving—reaffirming how some things can’t be bought yet are cherished far more than anything money could tally.

Original article posted by Fox News

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